摘 要
农产品质量溯源平台基于ASP.NET,其数据库是SQL SERVER 2017。充分利用数据库与有关ASP.NET方面的控制与连接数据库进行基本操作。加载农产品追溯管理系统,对系统进行可行性分析与需求性分析以及设计分析和软件测试这环节,将其合成为系统分析。溯源系统阐述了有关功能设计与代码设计以及系统数据库设计等功能。其具体实现涵盖会员模块与管理员模块两部分。目前追溯平台拥有友好的界面,为使用创造便捷的环境,与日常生活的需求更加适应。
Design of traceability platform for quality and Safety of Agricultural products
In order to effectively link production and inspection, as well as consumption and supervision, consumers are aware that production and circulation links are more in line with health and safety requirements, so that buyers can purchase with confidence, the author designed a quality and safety traceability system for agricultural products, and proposed A personalized channel that can be tracked in real time from the planting site to the daily life of the family. The system selects the basic information of the supply chain-based buyers, such as planting, processing transactions, transportation, and transactions, and based on this, effectively sets up a database on commodity quality news. Based on the above process, if there is a problem in a certain link, the market manager manages and intervenes based on the system, so the system can fully protect the interests of the buyer and the seller in the whole process. This system takes asp.net as the core, traces the agricultural products back to the system, and describes the important functions realized by the development system. The administrator module includes two parts: system management and basic information recording. System management includes user registration and user review and user change security information sub-module; the function of management basic information module is to manage product information, maintain planting information in a timely and dynamic manner, and manage sales and circulation information. The member modules are divided into sub-modules such as profile, query, message, management and login system. Comprehensive query traceability information covers the following links: product barcodes and messages, and logins.
The agricultural product quality traceability platform is based on ASP.NET, and its database is SQL SERVER 2017. Make full use of the database and basic operations related to the control and connection database of ASP.NET. The agricultural product traceability management system is usually loaded, and the feasibility analysis and demand analysis of the system, as well as the design analysis and software testing, are combined into a systematic analysis. The traceability system describes functions such as functional design and code design as well as system database design. The specific implementation covers the member module and the administrator module. At present, the traceability platform has a friendly interface, creating a convenient environment for use and adapting to the needs of daily life.
Key words:ASP.NET; Agricultural traceability management system; practical
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题的背景 1
1.2 课题的意义 1
1.3 管理系统 1
1.4 课题的主要任务 2
1.5 本文的组织结构 2
第2章 系统开发工具及相关理论知识 4
2.1 开发工具简介 4
2.1.1 ASP.NET简介 4
2.1.2 Microsoft SQL Server 2017简介 4
2.2 系统设计思想 5
第3章 系统需求分析和总体设计 7
3.1 可行性分析 7
3.1.1 可行性分析的任务 7
3.1.2 可行性研究过程 8
3.2 开发平台 8
3.3 开发环境 9
3.4 数据字典 9
3.4.1 管理员模块 9
3.4.2 会员模块 10
3.5 数据流图 10
3.6 E-R图 12
第4章 系统设计 14
4.1 功能模块概述 14
4.1.1 管理员模块 14
4.1.2 会员模块 14
4.2 软件结构图 14
4.3 数据库设计 15
4.3.1 管理员 15
4.3.2 产品信息数据表 15
4.3.3 种植信息数据表 16
4.3.4 流通信息数据表 16
4.3.5 会员数据表 17
4.3.6 销售信息数据表 17
4.3.7 留言数据表 18
第5章 详细设计 19
5.1 登录界面 19
5.2 管理员模块 19
5.3 会员模块 25
第6章 软件测试 31
6.1 软件测试的目标 31
6.2 软件测试的准则 31
6.3 软件测试的步骤 31
第7章 总结 32
7.1 本文实现的工作 32
7.2 本系统的不足之处 32
致谢 33
参考文献 34
附录 36
第1章 绪论
1.1 课题的背景