摘 要
Design and implementation of student selection system based on mobile client
In today's society, the continuous development of the Internet has become the mainstream, and the Internet has involved all aspects of our lives. And now the higher education and teaching have taken place great reform. Under this double influence, the course selection of colleges and universities has been registered from the traditional class to the office to confirm the signature, which is a very troublesome paper mode, and has transformed into an advanced model of online course selection. But in recent years, with the popularity of mobile devices led by smart phones, the selection of courses based on mobile clients will be a new course selection mode. In this case, this paper discusses the feasibility of designing and developing mobile course selection system based on the widely used Android platform.
This design is a supplement and supplement to Web's online course selection system. The purpose is to facilitate college students to select courses more conveniently and quickly. Through the research and analysis of Android development technology, database technology and the online course selection system of Web, in view of the characteristics of the mobile Internet, the main functions of the course selection system should be summarized. Based on the development method of information system, the overall design, planning and implementation of the system are carried out. The system has the following basic functions. The system has registered users, users log in, according to different privileges, teachers add courses, students choose courses, as well as retreat courses, check the selected courses and other modules. In the design and implementation of the system, database technology is used to increase, modify, query and delete the database.
Key Words: Mobile Course Selection System;Android; Database.
目 录
前 言 1
1 绪论 3
1.1选课系统的现状 3
1.2 Android系统特点 3
1.3基于Android的移动选课系统概述 4
1.3.1基于Android的移动选课系统描述 4
1.3.2基于Android的移动选课系统意义 4
1.4 论文的框架结构 4
2 环境配置 5
2.1软件环境 5
2.1.1 Android开发环境的搭建 5
2.1.2 sqlite数据库的配置 7
2.2 java 7
2.3硬件环境 7
3 系统分析设计 8
3.1系统设计的原则和目的 8
3.2需求分析 8
3.3系统的功能结构图 8
3.4数据库结构 9
3.4.1数据库结构设计 9
3.4.2数据库中表的设计 10
3.5 Android客户端的设计 11
3.5.1 Android客户端的页面设计 11
3.5.2 Android客户端各页面之间的关系 12
4 系统的实现 13
4.1注册功能的实现 13
4.2登录功能的实现 16
4.3页面跳转的实现 18
4.4 可选课程表的操作 20
4.5查询功能的实现 22
4.6修改功能的实现 24
4.7删除功能的实现 25
4.8 Spinner控件获取数据库内容的介绍 27
4.9对于常用的变量的设定 27
4.10 对listview上数据的读取来减少对数据库的访问 28
5 测试 30
5.1测试的意义和作用 30
5.2测试方法 30
5.3测试内容 31
5.4测试结果 35
5.5测试结论 36
6 结 论 37
谢 辞 38
参考文献 39
前 言