摘 要
本系统基于以上的需求分析,采用B/S架构来实现水电站的管理信息化,同时运用了主流的Spring、Spring MVC、Mybatis三个开源框架,结合了图像识别技术。系统实现了的主要功能:用户管理,水电站管理,水尺信息管理,水位识别以及数据的可视化、水位统计报表等功能。
Hydropower Station Water Level Management System Based on Internet of Things
There are two methods for the traditional water level measurement of hydropower stations. One is to install a water ruler and visually measure the readings by hand. This method is time consuming and laborious, especially when the environment is harsh and poses a threat to the safety of the monitoring personnel. The other is the use of sensors to automatically collect analog quantities that characterize the water level, and then convert it into water level data. This method is reliable but expensive, and the sensors also require regular maintenance. As image recognition technology gradually enters our lives, the use of image recognition technology to read the scale scale, thereby eliminating the need to read the workforce data, can greatly improve the efficiency of hydropower management. On this basis, the establishment of a water level management system for hydropower stations can enable managers to remotely monitor the water level in real time and prevent dangers. Administrators can log in to the system with their usernames and passwords at any time and in any place to observe the real-time water levels of major hydropower plants and take pictures of the situation on the site. Throughout the monitoring center, they can see the whole situation, greatly improving management efficiency.
This system is based on the above needs analysis, uses the B/S framework to realize the management informationization of the hydropower station, and uses the mainstream open source frameworks of Spring, SpringMVC, and Mybatis to combine the image recognition technology. The main functions of the system are: user management, hydropower station management, water rule information management, water level identification, data visualization, and water level statistical reports.
Keywords: Sping;SpringMVC;Mybatis;Bootstrap;Echarts;Baidu Map API;Image Recognition
1概述 1
1.1研究的背景 1
1.2开发的意义 1
1.3设计的思想 2
1.4论文的结构 2
2系统开发相关技术 3
2.1开发工具 3
2.1.1Eclipse Jee 3
2.1.2Tomcat 3
2.2 开发技术 3
2.2.1 Mysql 4
2.2.2 Maven 4
2.2.3 SSM框架 5
2.2.4 Bootstrap 7
3系统分析 8
3.1需求分析 8
3.1.1功能分析 8
3.2系统分析 9
3.2.1系统流程图 10
3.2.2系统的逻辑架构 11
3.2.3系统功能模块 12
3.3数据库设计 12
4系统的实现 15
4.1SSM框架的搭建 15
4.2系统的登录页面 24
4.3系统的主界面 27
4.4系统的用户管理功能 30
4.4.1分页查询的实现 32
4.4.2编辑用户信息的实现 33
4.4.3删除用户信息 36
4.5系统的站点、水尺信息管理功能 37
4.6 系统的图片展示功能 40
4.7 系统的统计信息功能(以折线图显示水位月报表) 41
4.7.1实现原理 41
4.7.2实现步骤 42
4.8 系统的可视化管理功能 45
4.8.1 实现原理 45
4.8.2实现步骤 46
4.9 水尺的图像识别 51
4.9.1实现步骤 51
5系统测试 54
5.1登录功能模块 54
5.2信息管理模块 54
5.3图片展示模块 56
5.4 统计信息模块 57
5.5 可视化管理模块 57
5.6 图像识别模块 57
结 语 58
致 谢 59
参考文献 60