摘 要
本文采用MINST数据集,共70000个样本,其中包括60000个训练样本,10000个测试样本。实验平台为MATLAB 2015b。
It is necessary and important for us to study handwritten numeral recognition because of the generality and wide range of use of Arabia digital.So far, the research on handwritten numeral recognition is still studied by a large of research and the research achievements in handwritten numerals can be extended to other character recognition, such as Chinese. We can solve the more problem of pattern recognition according to the similar method.And handwritten numeral recognition has good research significance and practical utility.
This paper introduces the development of neural networks, the rise and principle of convolutional neural networks, the background and the principle of limit learning machine. According to the experimental model of handwritten numeral recognition,constructing convolutional neural network model and experimental learning machine automatic multi limit encoder based on extreme learning machine to verify the performance of the convolutional neural network and extreme learning machine.And we compared them on the time and accuracy.
The paper used the MINST data set and a total of 70000 samples including 60000 samples and 10000 test samples. The experimental platform of this paper is MATLAB 2015b.The experimental results show that both the extreme learning machine and the convolutional neural network have excellent performance and the disparity is not very big but extreme learning machine is better then convolution neural network In the training time.
Keywords: handwritten numeral recognition;convolutional neural network,;extreme learning machine;automatic encoder;
目 录
第一章 绪论 2
1.1 研究背景 2
1.2 研究现状 3
1.3研究内容 4
1.4 本文组织结构 5
第二章 卷积神经网络 6
2.1 传统神经网络 6
2.2 深度学习 9
2.3 BP算法描述 10
2.4 卷积神经网络 13
2.4.1 卷积神经网络特色 14
2.4.2 局部感知野 14
2.4.3 权值共享 15
2.4.4 卷积过程 18
2.4.5 采样过程 20
2.4.6 错误反向传播 21 卷积层到采样层的错误反向传播 21 采样层到卷积层的错误反向传播 22
2.4.7 权值更新 23
第三章 机器学习算法 25
3.1 监督学习 25
3.2 非监督学习 26
3.3 半监督学习 27
3.4 数据降维 27
3.5 线性降维 28
3.6 非线性降维 29
第四章 极限学习机自动编码器 31
4.1 自动编码器(Auto Encoder) 31
4.2 ELM极限学习机 32
4.2.1 ELM提出依据原理 33
4.2.2 极限学习机原理 34
4.4 多层极限学习机自动编码器 40
第五章 CNN和ELM在手写体数字上性能比较分析 42
5.1 实验数据集 42
5.2 卷积神经网络模型及实验结果 44
5.2.1 卷积神经网络实验MATLAB实现 46
5.2.2 实验结果 47
5.3 极限学习机模型及实验结果 48
5.3.1 极限学习机实验MATLAB实现 48
5.3.2 实验结果 49
5.4 结果对比分析 50
第六章 总结 52
致 谢 53
参考文献 54
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景