摘 要
With the advent of information age, teaching information is a brook no delay task.,the courseware sharing system plays a vital role in improving the quality of teaching, so design and implementation courseware sharing system is meaningful. The title of my thesis is the research and implementation of courseware sharing system on the basic of Web, we design courseware sharing system, analyzing how to implement this system function, plan system flow and design the logical organization of system database, when going about developing the system .What’s more, I take in database of MySQL, choosing Java and JSP as development language, MyEclipse as development platform and JDK as running environment during the development of this system. When I design and implement the system, I divide the module of function into administers and users. Both of them has different rights, the difference between them is that administer can manage the information of users. Other modules of function are the same, and it includes the module of conduction function and resource function and commitment function. The module of conduction includes researching courseware, which you can find your courseware on classification courseware which being divided into public courseware, majoring courseware and elective courseware, and skimming courseware, which can be skimmed PPT and word; the module of resource includes uploading and downloading and deleting courseware, which users can manage the courseware that they uploaded themselves. The module of commitment function holds the commitment of courseware, which is benefit for prompting the improvement of courseware. By recognizing that the system on the basic of C/S is the research sate whether at home or at abroad, so this system is on the basic of B /S, which is convenience for user. We elaborate and analyze the entire implementation methods.
[Keyword] B/S module; coturseware sharing system; MySQL
第1章绪 论 5
1.1网络课件共享系统研究的目的和意义 5
1.2网络课件共享系统国内外研究现状 6
1.3本文的主要的工作 7
1.4本文的组织结构 8
第2章系统开发技术介绍 10
2.1B/S系统架构 10
2.2开发工具介绍 11
2.2.1MyEclipse简介 11
2.2.2JDK简介 13
2.2.3MySQL简介 14
第3章网络课件共享系统分析 16
3.1可行性分析 16
3.1.1技术可行性分析 16
3.1.2运行可行性 17
3.1.3开发方案可行性 17
3.2 系统功能需求分析 18
3.2.1业务流程图 18
3.2.2数据流图 19
3.2.3数据字典 20
第4章 网络课件共享系统概要设计 24
4.1系统设计的原则 24
4.2 系统模块总体设计 25
4.1.1管理员相关功能设置 25
4.1.2 普通用户的相关功能设置 26
4.3数据库设计 27
4.3.1 数据库概要设计 27
4.3.2 数据库详细设计 28
第5章 网络课件共享系统详细设计 31
5.1系统运行平台设置 31
5.2系统界面设置 31
5.3管理员的功能设置 33
5.3.1系统主界面 33
5.3.2用户信息管理 34
5.3.3课件资源管理 38
5.3.4 课件操作管理 41
5.3.5课件评价管理 42
5.5.4普通用户的功能设置 43
5.5系统性能测试 43
5.5.1测试的常用方法 43
5.5.2系统测试步骤 44
5.5.3功能测试 44
5.5.4安全性测试 46
第6章总结和展望 49
6.1 本文实现的工作 49
6.2 系统的改进 49
致 谢 51
参考文献 52
附录 53
第1章 绪 论