摘 要
【关键词】 坦克大战 html5 JavaScript 网页游戏
With the opening of national triple play policy and 3G mobile communication technology and network continues to mature, and even the growing popularity of the iPhone and other smart phones and ipod related products, WAP and Web interoperability in technology and patterns become more mature. As R amp; D technology is relatively mature web games, unprovoked qualities will be better and Wap seamlessly link. After all, large client with respect to traditional online games, web games unprovoked was characterized by an incomparable advantage. Open the phone, surf the web game is bound to become a popular trend. The era of 3G wireless network could become web games to break through and found the new blue ocean. Technology and hardware continues to mature will procure page tour another mode of development, after all, 700 million Chinese mobile phone users and 277 million mobile Internet users, from WAP and Web combination to raise the threshold to promote industry standards while this is a broader market very attractive.
This article is to introduce the development of web games Tank War in HTML5 and JavaScript technology-based. HTML5 and Java language features make this familiar web games, not only fun is also a challenge for me personally. With numerous game engine was able to present the effect of refreshing the game. And supports a variety of platforms running similar games more beautiful interface design, more pleasant background music, and better effects, more convenient to use.
[Key Words] Battle city Html5 JavaScript web game
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1. 1 引言 1
1.2 国内外背景 2
1.2. 1 国内背景 2
1.2.2 国外背景 3
1.3 游戏开发主要内容 4
1.4本章小结 4
第2章JavaScript语言设计游戏的必备知识 5
2. 1 JavaScript语言的特点 5
2. 2 JavaScript语言的特性 6
2.2.1JavaScript是脚本语言 6
2.2.2JavaScript是弱类型语言 6
2.2.3JavaScript的安全性 7
2.2.4.JavaScript的引入 7
2.3 开发环境 7
2.3.1软件环境 7
2.3.2硬件配置 7
2.4本章小结 8
第3章 坦克大战的总体设计 9
3. 1 游戏的功能设计 9
3.2 游戏的设计流程 10
图3-1 主程序流程 11
3.3 游戏规则及运行界面 11
3.3.1 游戏步骤 11
3.3.2 操作 11
3.3.3 游戏规则及运行界面 11
3.4 本章小结 13
第4章 坦克大战的详细设计和具体实现 14
4.1 子弹的运行和控制 14
4.2 坦克的控制和敌方的智能运行 16
4.3 状态条的添加 18
4.4 本章小结 18
第5章 总结和展望 20
5.1 内存使用的最佳化 20
5.2本程序需要改进的地方 20
5.3目前发现的bug和未完善的功能列表如下: 21
5.4本章总结 22
致谢 23
参考文献 24
主游戏逻辑及其涉及到的若干类 25
第1章 绪论
1. 1 引言
JavaScript是一种基于对象和事件驱动并具有相对安全性的客户端脚本语言。同时也是一种广泛用于客户端Web开发的脚本语言,常用来给HTML网页添加动态功能,比如响应用户的各种操作。它最初由网景公司(Netscape)的Brendan Eich设计,是一种动态、弱类型、基于原型的语言,内置支持类。JavaScript是Sun公司的注册商标。Ecma国际以JavaScript为基础制定了ECMAScript标准。JavaScript也可以用于其他场合,如服务器端编程。完整的JavaScript实现包含三个部分:ECMAScript,文档对象模型,字节顺序记号。