摘 要
本论文主要阐述随机数生成算法在签到系统运用的设计思想和实现的关键技术。签到系统以现实的实际条件为考量,了解教师群体在实际教学过程中各种需求,基于研究随机数算法的排列问题为基础,采用面向对象设计的方法,基于C/S架构,应用Windows Presentation Foundation应用程序开发技术和xaml界面设计技术分析、设计并实现随机数算法在点名中的运用。
关键字:随机数排列 ,点名,WPF,C/S架构
This thesis describes design ideas and the key technologies of implementation in the attendance system utilizing the random number generation algorithm. I consider realistic conditions and understand all kinds of demands of the teacher during the process of teaching. The attendance system is based on researching problem of arrangement in the random number generation algorithm. I utilize object-oriented design method, C/S structure, the technology of Windows Presentation Foundation application and the technical analysis of xaml interface design to design and realize how to use the random number generation algorithm in the attendance system.
This system is divided into four modules, such as random roll calling, the scheme of roll calling, data management and so on. Which realizes teaching recording, random roll calling, alternative schemes of roll calling, saving and loading data, statistics and other functions. The tests proved that the system had reached the desired requirements.
This thesis includes the following four parts:
The first part describes the background and the feasibility of the system, and indicates the purpose of building the system, and introduces how to utilize the relative technologies and the random number generation algorithm in this system.
The second reveals the demand analysis and design, and introduces building some system structures and function modules through analysis the demands of the user.
The third part shows the management and design of database, and introduces how to use NPOI which is a third party open project to manage data easily, and indicates designing relative data sheet, objects of data access and classes of database operation tools.
The fourth part introduces the detail design and system functions, realizing functions of this system.
Key word: Random Number Generation, Roll Call,WPF ,C/S
第一章 问题来源 1
1.1引言 1
1.2 选题背景 1
1.3 需求分析 2
1.4 技术可行性分析 2
1.5系统的可操作性 3
1.6系统的可维护性 3
第二章 主要技术 4
2.1 C#语言 4
2.2 WPF 5
2.3 Xaml 5
2.4 NPOI开源项目 6
第三章 随机数算法 7
3.1 Random函数 7
3.2 shuffle算法 8
3.3 随机数余数分组法 10
第四章 系统总体设计 11
4.1 项目规划 11
4.2系统功能结构图 12
4.3系统业务流程设计 13
第五章 数据库设计 14
5.1数据库分析 14
5.2数据库概念设计 14
5.3数据库逻辑结构设计 15
5.4数据库访问对象设计 15
第六章 详细设计 16
6.1界面的设计 16
6.2文件管理模块设计 16
6.3教学管理模块的详细设计 19
6.4 点名模块的详细设计 20
6.5 查询的详细设计 22
6.6 帮助模块的详细设计 22
6.7开发工具及环境 23
第七章 系统实现 24
7.1 系统主界面的实现 24
7.2 文件管理功能实现 25
7.2 教学管理功能实现 26
7.3 点名功能的实现 29
7.4查询功能的实现 32
7.5 帮助模块的实现 33
致谢 34
参考文献: 35
1.2 选题背景
1.3 需求分析