摘 要
本文从数据库的设计到功能的展示,详细的描述了网上订餐系统的搭建。主要实现了用户在线浏览热销食物,管理员管理订单、更新食物信息等功能。项目中使用Microsoft SQL Sever2008作为数据库,Microsoft Visual Studio 2010作为开发环境, Mozilla Firefox作为测试工具,同时采用当前正在流行的ASP.Net平台编程,JavaScript语言和CSS样式表使用户界面美观、大方。
[关键字] 网上订餐; 互联网; .Net; 订单管理; 信息浏览
Since the 21st century, the rapid development in all walks of life has driven the material improvement of people's lives. With the faster pace of life, many people are busy working and have no time to go to eat meals. When having free time, they have missed the point of the meal and have to endure the hunger to continue working. For this reason, how to solve the conflict between work and eating has become a hot topic.
Online reservation is a proposed solution under this background. The traditional way of eating has too many constraints, particularly vulnerable to the impact of time and place. The biggest advantage of online reservation is to help people save a lot of time which be spent in ordering, waiting and eating meals etc. No doubt, another advantage of online reservation is speediness and convenience. It is conceivable that when you are very busy with work, what a happy thing if a phone can easily solve the problem of repast.
This article describes the constructions of the online reservation system in details from the design of the database to the display of the function. It is designed mainly to achieve the function of browsing the hot food online for users, managing orders for the administrator and updating the food information etc.. The program uses Microsoft SQL Sever2008 as the database, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 as the development environment, Mozilla Firefox as the testing tool and the ASP.Net platform which is very popular now for programming. Moreover, JavaScript and CSS style sheets make the user interface beautiful and generous.
[Key Words] Online reservation; Internet; .Net; Order management; Information browsing
目 录
第一章 引言 1
(一)研究的背景及意义 1
(二)订餐系统现状与发展 1
(三) 结构安排 2
第二章 相关技术介绍 4
1.1 .Net平台简介 4
1.1.1 .Net概述 4
1.1.2 ASP.Net的优势 5
1.2 SQL Server 2008简介 7
1.2.1 SQL Server 2008概述 7
1.2.2 SQL Server 2008的优势 8
1.3 系统体系结构 10
第三章 系统分析与设计 11
2.1可行性分析 11
2.2 系统设计目标 11
2.3 系统功能分析 12
2.3.1 系统功能实现 12
2.3.2 系统需求分析 13
第四章 数据库设计 18
3.1 数据库需求分析 18
3.2 系统概要设计 19
3.2.1 系统概要设计概述 19
3.2.2 订餐系统E-R图 19
3.3 逻辑设计 23
3.3.1 逻辑设计概述 23
3.3.2 数据表的设计 23
3.4 物理设计 25
第五章 网上订餐系统的实现 27
4.1 功能模块介绍 27
4.1.1 登陆/注册 27
4.1.2 菜单信息浏览 29
4.1.3 订餐服务 30
4.1.4 用户查看订单 32
4.1.5 用户修改个人信息 33
4.1.6 后台信息管理 34
4.1.7 后台订单处理 35
4.2 核心功能实现 36
4.2.1 JS控制日期控件 36
4.2.2 信息显示 37
4.2.3 排行榜 37
4.2.4 DataList分页显示算法 38
4.2.5 购物车 39
第六章 总结与展望 40
5.1 总结 40
5.2 展望 40
参考文献 41
第一章 引言
网上订餐系统基于ASP.Net平台,SQL Server2008数据库开发,从而实现网上订餐信息管理的功能,对于每个订单保管妥善并且及时处理,相应的改变订单的状态,实现了高度的智能化。该系统是基于B/S(Browser/Server,浏览器/客户端)的模式实现,这种结构使得用户通过浏览器只会看到想要浏览的数据信息,而对于用户并不关心的数据的处理是在服务器端进行,用户只需安装有浏览器即可,由于所有的数据是通过服务器端统一管理的,这样就容易保证数据的一致性。