摘 要
关键词:信息管理; B/S模式; 资源共享
Nowadays, with the rapid development of information technology, informatization construction has made great development. How to construct a simple management system with beautiful interface, and complete functions, and highly efficiency is becoming an important topic for universities to enlarge its teaching way and to simplify school teaching model. In such background, combining the knowledge gained from college education, I develop this management system. Firstly, it makes it convenient for remote teaching and also makes daily educational administration easy Secondly, it promotes the reform of traditional teaching mode and it is convenient to share resource and exchange experiences, Thirdly, the interaction between teachers and students can be enhance with this management system, and so it is with their working efficiency.
This subject system adopts Browser/Server mode, and users are divided into two categories: teachers and students. Teachers are able to upload the courses materials, including working and learning resources to the system on the server, then authorized students can login through the browser and download the corresponding resources what they need. Furthermore they also upload their own resources and homework to the system, which will be given marks or grades by the teachers.
The subject resource management system is developed by java language,and the page is developed by JSP. The project uses spring struts hibernate framework, and uses Mysql as database, Myeclipse as a development platform. Achieved the goal of constructing a beautiful interface, simple operation,functional performance, and good experience of user.
【Keyword】 information management, B/S, share resource
第一章 引言 1
1.1 概述 1
1.2研究的目的和意义 1
1.3国内外现状 2
1.4研究内容 2
第二章 系统的开发和运行环境 4
2.1JAVA开发语言的特点 4
2.1.1使用广泛 4
2.1.2 Java语言易学好用 4
2.1.3面向对象 4
2.1.4平台无关性 5
2.1.5多线程 5
2.1.6可靠性和安全性 5
2.1.7动态 6
2.2JSP的特点 6
2.2.1执行效率高。 6
2.2.2 组件的重用性。 6
2.3Myeclipse开发平台简介 6
2.4SSH框架简介 7
2.5MySQL数据库简介 7
第三章 需求分析 8
3.1用户需求 8
3.2可行性分析 8
3.2.1经济可行性分析 9
3.2.2技术可行性分析 9
3.2.3操作可行性分析 9
3.2.4可维护性分析 9
3.3用例分析 10
3.3.1教师的用例图 10
3.3.2学生的用例图 11
3.4系统业务流程分析 11
3.5系统数据流分析 12
第四章 总体设计 14
4.1用户模块设计 14
4.1.1教师模块 14
4.1.2学生模块 15
4.2数据库设计 16
4.2.1实体分析 16
4.2.2逻辑设计 19
第五章 详细设计 20
5.1用户登录设计 20
5.2用户管理设计 20
5.2.1密码修改 20
5.2.2用户管理 20
5.3课程管理设计 21
5.3.1课程查询 21
5.3.2添加课程 21
5.4资源管理设计 22
5.4.1上传资源 22
5.4.2删除资源 22
5.4.3资源下载 23
5.5作业提交设计 23
5.6成绩管理设计 23
第六章 模块测试 24
6.1登录验证测试 24
6.2用户管理测试 24
6.2.1密码修改测试 24
6.2.2用户管理测试 25
6.3课程管理测试 26
6.3.1课程管理测试 26
6.3.2课程查询测试 27
6.4资源管理测试 28
6.5作业提交测试 29
6.6成绩管理测试 30
6.6.1成绩查询测试 30
6.6.2成绩评定测试 31
第七章 致谢 33
参考文献 34
第一章 引言
1.1 概述
也由此发生天翻地覆的变化,获取网络学习资源已经成为学习的重要途径之一。在此背景下,学科资源管理系统应运而生。与传统的教学方式相比,基于网络的学科资源管理系统主要有以下特点:1、开放性;2、共享性;3、简捷性。这既方便大家学习又能提高效率 ,同时又使得资源得到重复利用。