摘 要
现代通信对计算机技术依赖性越来越强,随着电信运营业的不断发展,日益庞大的数据处理不断地冲击着其系统数据库,传统的基于磁盘的数据库系统越来越难以应付。传统基于磁盘的关系数据库系统(以Oracle ,DB2 等为代表) , 以下简称DRDB (Disk - Resident Databases) ,由于主数据库常驻磁盘,事务处理往往涉及磁盘IO操作,其体系结构设计的优化目标是如何减少读写磁盘的次数,很难满足未来基于网络的应用系统对高性能数据访问能力的需求。内存数据库(MMDB : Main Memory Database) 技术则为电信、金融等大规模数据管理领域提供了一种很好的实时数据管理的解决方案
关键词: 内存数据库 C#开发 移动计费系统 asp.net平台
Modern communications on computer technology becoming increasingly dependent ,With the continuous development of telecom operation, an increasingly large data processing continue to impact on the system database。Traditional disk-based database systems increasingly difficult to cope.。Traditional disk-based relational database system (in Oracle, DB2, etc. as the representative), Hereinafter referred to as DRDB (Disk - Resident Databases), Permanent disk as the primary database,。Transactions often involve disk IO operations,The architecture design optimization goal is to reduce the number of disk read and write,Difficult to meet future network-based application system needs high-performance data access capabilities。Memory Database (MMDB: Main Memory Database) technology compared to the telecommunications, financial and other large-scale data management provides a good solution for real-time data management
MMDB, the data on the memory itself is the direct operation of the database. Relative to the disk, memory, IO speed are several orders of magnitude higher. The data stored in the memory than from disk access can greatly improve application performance. MMDB not only improve the efficiency of the database, you can also save directly to the hardware investment and maintenance costs. In the course of its use, just a small amount of memory to improve can be significant savings in capital investment, instead, improved system stability
This paper describes the status of domestic and international telecommunications industry. Then explain the concept and principles of memory database, application of the specific memory database . Finally testing and comparison of MMDB. processing efficiency and DRDM.
Key word: MMDB C# asp.net Mobile Billing System
目 录
题目:移动计费系统的内存数据库技术研究 1
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 绪论 5
1.1、电信行业的现状 5
1.2 内存数据库在国内电信业的运用 5
第二章 内存数据库技术 7
2.1 内存数据库的背景和应用现状 7
2.2内存数据库的技术特点 7
2.2.1 数据组织结构 7
2.2.2 并发机制 8
2.2.3 恢复机制 8
2.3 内存数据库的启示 8
第三章 移动计费系统需求分析 10
3.1计费系统总体架构 10
3.2 移动计费系统需求分析 10
3.3数据表设计 11
3.3.1范式 11
3.3.2数据表抽象及ER图设计 11
第四章 计费系统实现 13
4.1数据库建立 13
4.1.1用户信息表(userTable) 13
4.1.2创建号码(numTable) 14
4.1.3创建套餐种类表(comboTypeTable) 15
4.1.4创建费率表(feilvTable) 15
4.1.5创建套餐表(comboTable) 16
4.1.6创建费用表(fareTable) 17
4.1.7创建手机套餐表(telComboTable) 17
4.2开发语言用开发平台 18
4.2.1开发语言和开发平台选择 18
4.3 arraylist实现数据的存储: 19
4.3.1定义Table类 19
4.3.2测试Table类 20
4.3.3对SqlServer和自定义Table类进行插入操作的同步测试 23
4.3系统各模块的实现: 24
4.3.1系统说明: 24
4.3.2登陆界面 24
4.3.3普通用户套餐查询主界面 33
总 结 38
致 谢 39
参考文献 40
第一章 绪论
1.2 内存数据库在国内电信业的运用
TimesTen公司原是一家私有的实时数据管理软件供应商,于2005年被甲骨文收购。TimesTen对Oracle数据库和Oracle合成中间件(Oracle®Fusion Middleware)的扩展,成为Oracle整体解决方案中的重要选件。