摘 要
Snake模型有着一般的图像处理方法所无法比拟的优点,其集图像数据、初始估计、目标轮廓及基于知识的约束统一于一个过程中;经适当的初始化后,它能自主地收敛于能量极小值状态;尺度空间中由初到精地极小化能量可以极大地扩展捕获区域和降低复杂性。 但是Snake变形模型也并非十全十美,它也存在着对轮廓初始线要求过于精确,必须要贴近目标区域才能得到较好的分割效果,而且对凹形图像分割效果很差的弊端。
关键词:图像分割技术 Snake模型 GVF模型
With the development of technology, computer image segmentation has become increasingly mature, and in all aspects, including medical image recognition, diagnosis, image visualization and computer integration technology is widely used. As the traditional image segmentation methods, such as Que value method and edge detection on the image quality is too high, and very susceptible to outside interference and noise is rather poor, therefore, the industry generally Snake deformation model using traditional methods to solve the image segmentation caused by the extraction of the boundary effect was not obvious or need to extract the picture to go wrong after the treatment of the state.
Snake model has a general image processing methods can not match the advantages of the set of image data, the initial estimate, target profile and the knowledge-based constraints are integrated in a process; by proper initialization, it can independently converge minimum energy state; scale space refined by the early to minimize the energy can greatly expand the capture area and reduce complexity. Snake deformation models, but not perfect, it also exists on the initial line profile is too precise requirements, must be close to the target area to get better segmentation, but also on the concave poor image segmentation defects.
In order to solve the Snake 'model of the drawbacks, this paper has introduced a new external force to solve the deformation model of Snake model these two drawbacks, namely, gradient vector flow (GVF) model field. Compared with the traditional Snake model is concerned, GVF model, the initial contour and concave higher segmentation accuracy. This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of GVF model and the model theory of the composition of the external features of GVF force field, draw the border GVF field to stay in the wrong reason and the principle of noise. MATLAB code with the completion of the GVF in the numerical implementation. And through the traditional GVF model deformation method - finite difference method to discuss the limitations that exist, so the topology of the GVF Snake variability made the feasibility of a simple vision.
Key words: computer image segmentation GVF model Snake model
第一章 绪论 5
1.1研究背景和意义 5
1.2国内外研究概况 6
1.3本文主要工作 8
1.4论文主要安排 8
第二章 图像分割的简介和开发工具 9
2.1图像分割的定义和简介 9
2.2 MATLAB简介 10
第三章 Snake模型概述和数学建模 12
3.1 Snake基本原理 12
3.2 Snake模型的优缺点解析 14
第四章 GVF模型与程序实现 17
4.1 GVF模型的数学建模与实现 17
4.2关于GVF的优缺点概述 27
第五章 总结与展望 29
参考文献 32
致谢 34
第一章 绪论
自从Kass[1]提出Snake模型以来,Snake模型在近30年间得到了广泛的应用,在医学图像分割,疾病诊断和计算机图像可视化上大放异彩。Snake模型最具有划时代的意义,毫无疑问是改变了之前一直流行的严格独立的计算机分层视觉模型。由于在使用计算机完成定位并实现一个图像的可视化的任务时,一般都采用自底向上的策略方式,比如著名的Marr视觉计算理论[2] ,就把事物分成次序严明的3层,不同的现象必须在不同的层次上进行研究和解释。本质上讲,在Snake模型以前的图像研究理论,都只能借助于原有图像本身的基础进行研究,而一旦事物图像本身有较严重的损毁或者干扰问题,比如噪声,纹理,投影或者遮挡等意外情况出现,那么原始的图像识别技术就很难发挥作用。究其原因,主要还是因为极度依赖原始资料的缘故,一旦原始资料精确度不够,那么所谓的图像分割和识别也无从谈起。