摘 要
Jsp-based online voting system
In general, offline voting takes a lot of time and resources. For example, the school's class cadre elections are well understood. Therefore, online online voting systems can make up for this deficiency.According to the survey, as of the end of 2018, there were 772 million Internet users in China. It can be seen that the number of online people is large, the credibility of voting results is guaranteed, and the achievability of online voting is also reflected.The online online voting system is not only efficient, but the survey population can choose a wider range. The participating regions are virtualized. As long as they can participate in the survey on the devices that can access the Internet, the online voting system can only form the voting results. The histogram is easy for users and administrators to observe and analyze.This article describes the entire design process of the online voting system.This system mainly uses jsp technology to do front-end page data interaction, SSM architecture mode, MYSQL database to store back-end data. In this system, users can view participation voting and view voting history. Administrators can log in to initiate voting. Set the topics and options to be published. The topics and options that the user casts can be viewed in the detailed voting view list. Users can be managed, such as prohibiting a user from voting, etc., and the voting results can be displayed in a histogram. For example, the number of voters in each topic, the number of people in each topic, etc., the voting results can be analyzed multiple times.
Keywords: online voting management system; java; ssm; jsp; mysql
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景及意义 1
1.2现状与发展趋势 2
1.2.1国内研究现状 2
1.2.2国外研究现状 2
1.3本文的主要工作 3
1.4 本文的组织结构 3
第二章 系统开发工具与技术 4
2.1 开发工具 4
2.1.1 Eclipse简介 4
2.1.2 MySql数据库简介 4
2.2相关技术 5
2.2.1 SSM 框架简介 5
2.2.2 EasyUI插件 5
2.2.3 JSP技术 5
2.2.4 Ajax技术 6
2.2.5 JavaScript语言 6
第三章 系统需求分析和总体设计 7
3.1系统功能需求分析 7
3.1.1网上投票管理的具体需求 7
3.1.2流程图设计 7
3.2 系统模块总体设计 8
3.2.1 系统的相关功能设置 8
3.3 数据库设计 9
3.3.1 数据库ER图设计 10
3.3.2数据字典(部分) 13
4.1系统模块总体设计 16
4.2用户管理模块 16
4.2.1 用户注册页面 16
4.2.2用户已被注册页面 17
4.2.3密码不合页面 18
4.2.4用户基本信息页面 18
4.2.5用户重置密码页面 19
4.2.6用户重置密码失败页面 19
4.2.7用户登录页面 20
4.2.8个人中心界面 21
4.2.9用户投票先登录页面 21
4.2.10投票异常一页面 22
4.2.11 投票异常二页面 23
4.2.13查看投票历史 23
4.3管理员管理模块 24
4.3.1管理员登录 24
4.3.2主题列表管理 25
4.3.3 主题添加页面 25
4.3.4 主题修改页面 26
4.3.5 主题删除页面 26
4.3.6选项列表管理 27
4.3.7选项添加页面 27
4.3.8选项修改页面 28
4.3.9选项删除页面 28
4.3.10详细投票查看 29
4.3.11用户信息管理 29
4.3.12增加用户页面 30
4.3.13修改用户信息页面 30
4.3.14删除用户页面 31
4.3.15投票信息统计 31
4.3.16搜索主题的投票统计 32
第五章 系统测试 33
5.1 测试目的 33
5.2 测试用例 33
5.3 测试结论 35
第六章 总结与展望 36
致 谢 38
参考文献 39
第一章 绪论