摘 要
Qinhuai Lantern Club Monitoring System
Under the general trend of Internet development, the Internet is getting deeper and deeper into our life. Many industries, projects and activities make use of the Internet to make it convenient. It saves time and cost, and also liberates human resources. Establishing relevant Internet system and using this system to manage and apply the project is the way many people will choose under the current trend. This graduation project is mainly to connect the Internet with the daily projects that are close to life, and use SSM framework to build Qinhuai Lantern Club monitoring system.
The graduation design of Qinhuai Lantern Club monitoring system mentioned in this paper has the advantages of convenience, efficiency, cost saving, personalization and humanization. It fully demonstrates the rapidity and convenience of communication between browser and server. A series of collections, changes and exchanges of various data are realized under the operation of this system. Data management and communication will no longer appear cumbersome, but more convenient, efficient, stable and reliable, through the scientific and reasonable system management in the Internet to improve people's work efficiency, but also reduce errors in the process of work.
This system is based on the Internet of Things Qinhuai Lantern Club monitoring system, using SSM framework, MyBatis, JSP and other technologies, combined with Tomcat server and MySQL database, to achieve user login, user information management, user location information management, measurement data management, password change and other major functions.
Key words:Monitoring of Qinhuai Lantern Club;SSM Framework;MySQL Database; Tomcat Server
摘 要 Ⅰ
目 录 Ⅲ
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 开发背景及意义 1
1.2 开发现状 1
1.3 本文结构 1
第二章 相关技术 3
2.1 系统开发环境及平台简介 3
2.2 JSP简述 3
2.3 MySQL简介 3
2.4 B/S结构 4
2.5 SSM简介 4
2.6 tomcat服务器概述 4
第三章 系统分析 6
3.1 可行性分析 6
3.1.1 技术的可行性 6
3.1.2 操作的可行性 6
3.1.3 经济的可行性 6
3.2 数据需求分析 6
3.3 业务流程分析 7
第四章 系统总体设计 8
4.1 系统整体架构 8
4.2 系统功能模块设计 8
4.3 系统安全设计 10
4.4 系统维护设计 10
4.5 数据库设计 10
4.5.1 逻辑设计 10
4.5.2 物理设计 10
第五章 系统实现 15
5.1 系统展示 15
5.1.1 登录界面功能实现 15
5.1.2 系统主界面功能实现 16
5.2 管理员子系统模块 17
5.2.1 用户管理模块 17
5.2.2 测量数据管理 17
5.2.3 修改密码模块 18
第六章 系统测试 19
6.1 测试目的与意义 19
6.2 功能测试 19
6.3 测试结果 20
6.4 测试评价 20
第七章 总结 21
致 谢 22
参考文献 23
第一章 绪论
1.1 开发背景及意义