摘 要
关键词:JavaEE;Java Web;B/S;物流信息;SSH
Logistics Information Management System Based on JavaEE
Because we are now in the third information technology revolution period, the most important technology is the development of Internet technology, so we should actively seize the opportunity and constantly carry out structural reform of traditional enterprises. Therefore, in view of the logistics industry, we should aim at the development of networking and intellectualization. Although computer system is widely used to manage logistics industry in China at present, this kind of computer software management only replaces the simple manual operation in the past, and the data information between different departments can not be shared in time and effectively. This not only reduces the operational efficiency, but also makes the software system inconvenient. Therefore, the establishment of a logistics information system with fast response, intelligence and security has played a decisive practical impact.
This design is based on the theory of JavaEE. When solving the problem, we should follow the general principle of programming system development. The following steps will be described comprehensively: software requirement analysis, software overall design, database analysis, the completion of the design project and so on. Firstly, in the stage of software requirement analysis, the required functions of different modules should be defined, and then the unified modeling language diagrams of different modules should be drawn; secondly, in the stage of software overall design, the general structure diagrams including different roles and functions of various interfaces should be given; thirdly, in the stage of database analysis, the entity-connection diagrams should be drawn first, and then analyzed. The corresponding logical structure; finally, in the stage of analyzing the completion degree of the design project, the error between the expected results and the actual operation results is analyzed and discussed, and a reasonable solution is given, which shows that the design has high maturity and integrity. At the end, the conclusion of the system is given.
This design system uses SSH technology to design, uses browser/server mode, and uses MySQL as the back-end database. The completed functions are classified as administrator module, ordinary user module, operator module, vehicle transportation module, vehicle route planning module, express delivery audit, information release and so on, so as to achieve the purpose of convenient and fast operation.
Key words: JavaEE; Java Web; B/S; Logistics Information; SSH
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 背景及意义 1
1.2 研究现状 2
1.3 实验技术选择 2
1.3.1 Java语言特点 2
1.3.2 MySQL数据库的特点 4
1.4 本次设计使用方法概述 4
2 系统环境介绍及相关理论知识 6
2.1 MyEclipse简介 6
2.2 B/S简介 6
2.3 JSP简介 6
2.4 Tomcat原理简介 7
2.5 SSH简介及实现原理 7
3 需求分析 9
3.1 可行性研究 9
3.1.1 理论知识的切实程度 9
3.1.2 所需研发费用的切实性 9
3.1.3 操作运行程序的切实性 9
3.2系统分析 10
3.2.1 系统需求分析 10
3.2.2 E-R图结构分析 10
3.2.3 系统功能分析 14
3.2.4 超级管理员的常规管理 15
3.2.5 客户的常规操作功能 15
3.3 系统业务描述 17
3.4 用户登录流程图 18
4 数据库设计 19
4.1 数据模型分析与设计 19
4.2 建立数据库表的结构 20
5 系统实现 23
5.1 系统运行环境 23
5.2 用户登录 24
5.2.1 登录界面 24
5.3 系统主操作界面 25
5.3.1 主操作界面 25
5.4 用户操作界面 26
5.4.1 用户注册操作界面 26
5.4.2用户管理界面 27
5.5 用户操作实例 28
5.5.1 车队管理实例图 28
5.5.2 车队路线规划图 29
5.5.3 订单管理实例图 29
5.5.4 订单审核界面 30
5.5.5 订单派送实例 31
5.5.6 指派信息管理界面 31
5.5.7 查询派送成功的订单的实例 32
5.5.8 发布公告管理的实例 32
5.5.9 普通用户订单审核的实例 33
5.5.10 普通用户订单派送查询实例 34
5.5.11 派送员订单派送管理实例 34
5.5.12 派送员派送成功订单查询 35
6 系统测试 36
6.1 系统测试的目的 36
6.2 系统测试的目标 36
6.3 Object Oriented,OO软件的设计策略 36
6.4 系统测试的结果 36