摘 要
随着当代计算机科学与技术的发展,费事费力的人工管理逐渐被淘汰,各个高校都采用学生日常行为评分管理系统来对学生进行管理,但是各大高校的学生日常行为评分管理系统的质量参差不齐 ,一个优质的学生日常行为评分管理系统既方便同学们进行日常的自我评估,也极大的方便了老师及管理人员对同学们的管理。
The student daily behavior scoring management system
Along with the development of contemporary computer science and technology, to arduous manual administration to be being washed out gradually, every college student daily behavior score management system is used to manage the students, but colleges and universities students daily behavior score management system of variable quality, a quality of students' daily behavior score management system is convenient in daily self evaluation, students also greatly convenient for management personnel to the management of the students and teachers.
This system we use the tool is myeclipse, and use the Java language to write the program, and connect to the mysql database in the background, at the same time the system's security and system robustness also to ensure. This system is divided into the following modules: home page, this system introduction, loan scoring information retrieval, teacher-student interaction area, teaching construction, student login system, teacher and administrator login system. First determine the system requirements, and then to achieve the function of each part of the system, always clear development purpose is also necessary. Of course, stability is also important as a system for schools. Jsp technology is applied in the web page making of student's daily behavior scoring system. According to the password set by us, students and administrators can log in. Of course, machine learning, visualization and other technologies are also indispensable. This system has not logged in personnel, students, teachers, administrators four roles, and they have different permissions. Teachers also have convenient management of students and fast communication of information with students. Students can see their daily performance scores at any time, which is conducive to self-evaluation and self-restraint. The core function of this system is to grade students' behaviors at school in an all-round way, such as the grading of students' classroom, extracurricular activities, borrowing books and so on. This greatly facilitates the school to carry on the strict management to the student, also USES for the student to regulate itself, this is exactly in accordance with our school motto "honest and honest, trees and trees".
Key words: student daily behavior scoring management system, Java, myeclipse, mysql.
目 录
第一章 前言 5
1.1 课题背景及意义 5
1.2 课题研发的内容 5
1.3需求分析 5
第二章 系统可行性分析 6
2.1技术可行性分析 7
2.2运行可行性分析 7
2.3界面的规划分析 7
2.4本章小结 8
第三章 系统的设计 8
3.1系统的设计的目标和简介 9
3.2具体流程 9
3.3 E-R 模型的设计 9
3.4 本章小结 9
第四章 数据库的设计 10
4.1评分系统简介及信息表 10
4.2评分管理系统简介及信息表 11
4.3算法描述 12
4.4本章总结 12
第五章 系统的具体功能的实现 13
5.1系统各界面展示 13
(1)主界面 14
(2)学生和老师以及管理员登陆界面 15
(3)学生登陆后的自我管理界面 17
(4)老师及管理员登陆后的界面 17
(5)核心界面:系统评分界面 18
(6)师生交流区 18
(7)成绩的录入 19
(8)设计宗旨及意义 19
5.2总结 20
第六章 系统的测试 20
6.1测试的意义 20
6.2优势与缺点 21
6.3自我总结以及提议 21
6.4测试实例表 21
结论 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26