摘 要
关键词:个人课程表;Android技术; MYSQL数据库
Personal curriculum based on mobile phone
With the widespread use of Android phones, many Android applications have also emerged, gradually changing the life style of college students. As a new product of this era, mobile phones are highly efficient, portable, and capable of operating anywhere and anytime. Modern people use mobile phones more and more frequently, and use mobile phones to perform a variety of activities, such as mobile games, mobile shopping, and mobile phone learning. The advantages and popularity of smart phones have made the design and implementation of personal schedules based on the mobile terminal of mobile phones necessary.
The development background of this article is the practical application and adopts the principle of software engineering, using Android technology and MySQL database to build a personal curriculum for students on the mobile phone. The entire development process first needs to analyze the requirements of the system, list the main functions that the system has, and then it can conduct overall design planning and detailed design content. The detailed design includes the realization of the access to the system database, the smooth implementation of major functional modules, and the practical feasibility of key codes in the database. Finally, a comprehensive evaluation test was performed on the system, and then the test results were comprehensively analyzed and summarized. Understanding the shortcomings and advantages of the system and familiarizing it with it will not only facilitate the maintenance of the system in the future, but also lay a certain empirical foundation for the development of similar systems in the future.
Key words:Personal Schedule; Android Technology; MYSQL Database
目 录
1 概述 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2课题目标 1
1.3研究内容 2
2 系统开发环境 3
2.1Android技术 3
2.2Android的系统框架 4
2.3系统开发环境 5
2.4MYSQL数据库 5
2.5开发系统APK 5
3 系统分析 7
3.1可行性分析 7
3.1.1技术可行性 7
3.1.2经济可行性 8
3.1.3操作可行性 8
3.2设计目标及原则 8
3.3系统功能需求概述 9
3.3.1功能概述 9
3.3.2系统功能结构 9
3.4系统设计流程 10
3.4.1系统开发流程 10
3.4.2注册流程 10
3.4.3用户登录 11
3.5界面需求 11
4 数据库设计 13
4.1 数据库设计原则 13
4.2 数据库实体 13
4.3 数据库表设计 14
5 系统实现 16
5.1用户注册界面 16
5.2 用户登录界面 16
5.3用户管理主界面 17
5.3.1课程表界面 17
5.3.2论坛界面 18
5.3.3修改密码界面 18
5.4管理员登录界面 19
5.5管理员主界面 19
5.5.1学生管理界面 20
5.5.2教师管理界面 20
5.5.3课程管理界面 20
6 系统测试 21
6.1功能测试 21
6.2可用性测试 21
6.3测试资源 22
6.4测试结果分析 22
结 论 23
致 谢 24
参考文献 25
1 概述