摘 要
Hospital online registration system
Hospital online registration is a link for patients to go to the clinic. With the development of network technology, it has become a new direction for hospital development to expand the influence of hospital information and medical service by internet. The hospital online registration system is the use of network media, to provide patients with a registered outpatient appointment of experts, the network platform, the user can conveniently view the browser through the hospital survey and experts of the hospital, the main department set specific information on the internet. By registering the platform, users can make appointments, experts or communicate with experts. Through these measures can correctly guide the patients to choose the required specialist, specialist or targeted medical services, improve the quality of outpatient service in hospital, to provide convenience for the medical treatment of the masses, the hospital also can obtain good social benefits and economic benefits from.
Hospital online registration system, including the establishment and maintenance of the background database, and the development of front-end applications in two major areas. The requirements of the database are high data integrity, strong data integrity and good data security. For front-end applications, however, they should be fully functional and convenient for users to use. The hospital online registration system based on the analysis of the requirement of hospital, according to the analysis of the existing problems after the improvement, the main functions are: user will achieve online appointment registration function, the doctor's clinic information query modification function, Department of information management functions. These functions will improve the comprehensive management level of the hospital, effectively alleviate the queuing time of registration and the urgent situation of the specialist outpatient appointment.
The selection of the system platform of MyEclipse and MySQL development tools, the use of its various object-oriented development tools, first in a relatively short period of time to establish the system application prototype, then, to establish the initial prototype iteration needs, by constantly revised and improved, and ultimately the formation of a viable system platform is satisfactory.
The thesis focuses on the implementation of hospital online registration system, including system platform feasibility analysis, demand analysis, related technology introduced in the development, analysis, design and implementation of the main functional modules. Finally, the work is summarized and looked forward to.
Key words: Register;MyEclipse;MySQL
目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1研究现状 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1国内研究现状 1
1.2.2国外研究现状 2
1.3论文结构 2
2 相关技术介绍 4
2.1 JSP简介 4
2.2 My SQL简介 5
2.3 B/S模式分析 5
2.4 JDBC介绍 6
3 系统分析 8
3.1社会可行性 8
3.2技术可行性 8
3.2.1技术支持 8
3.2.2运行环境 8
3.3操作可行性 9
3.4功能需求分析 9
3.5非功能性需求 9
3.6运行环境 10
3.6.1服务器端 10
3.6.2客户器端 10
4 系统设计 11
4.1设计原则 11
4.2工作流程图 11
4.3系统功能图 12
4.4系统简介 12
4.5 E-R图 13
4.6数据库表 16
5系统的实现 19
5.1医院在线挂号系统前台模块的实现 19
5.1.1患者注册模块实现 19
5.1.2登录模块实现 19
5.1.3预约管理模块实现 20
5.2医院在线挂号系统后台模块的实现 23
5.2.1科室设置模块实现 23
5.2.2医生管理模块实现 25
5.2.3患者管理模块实现 26
5.2.4医院管理模块实现 27
5. 3本章小结 28
6系统测试 29
6. 1测试目的 29
6.2任务概述 29
6.2.1目标 29
6.2.2运行环境 30
6.3测试方案 30
6.3.1黑盒测试法 31
6.3.2白盒测试法 31
6. 4测试项目 31
6. 5测试过程及结果 32
6.6本章小结 33
7总结及展望 34
7.1总结 34
7.2展望 35
致 谢 36
参考文献 37
伴随着社会的发展,计算机技术迅猛发展,越来越多的人们每天都与计算机打交道,计算机普及率越来越高,社会时刻都在进步,当初发明计算机时,它只是一个计算的处理工具,随着社会的变迁和发展,如今的计算机已经由单一的处理数据变成了综合管理处理事务。这就产生了管理信息系统在对工作流的管理和事务处理等方面的应用,而管理信息系统是将台式计算机作为核心,数据库管理系统作为开发环境 [1]。在医院系统中,越来越多的人们尤其是医务工作者都很重视医院门诊管理信息系统在医院门诊的使用。