摘 要
Design and Implementation of Commodity Disposal System
Into the 21st century, people's living standards continue to improve, the rapid development of Internet technology, the network has penetrated into all aspects of people's lives. Online shopping has become a new trend, and in such a large environment, the network online ordering goods has become a new way of consumption. At the same time with the popularity of intelligent machines, online ordering of goods has become a new trend. Online ordering goods more convenient, its online ordering of goods APP is also easier to popularize.
This paper analyzes the social needs, discusses the research background of the subject, and analyzes the status of the related online ordering system at home and abroad, analyzes the overall design according to the relevant requirements, and finally realizes the related functions of the system. Provide a friendly interface to provide a better management system.
This article system uses java, jdbc technology, Eclipse as development tools and development environment. The functions of this system are discussed in detail, including function modules such as administrator information, product information and selling information. In the background of the operating environment and the development environment using MYSQL Based as its background database server.
Key words:Online Store; Database; Java Technology
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 系统设计思想 1
1.1.1 系统概述 1
1.2 主要开发思想和技术 1
1.2.1 MVC模式 1
1.2.2整体技术 1
第二章 系统需求分析和数据库的设计 3
2.1系统分析 3
2.1.1 可行性分析 3
2.1.2 系统需求分析 4
2.1.3 系统功能模块 4
2.2 数据库设计 4
2.2.1 表结构分析 4
2.2.2 表的详细设计 6
2.2.3 表结构关系 8
2.3 主要开发工具 8
2.3.1 Eclipse介绍 8
2.3.2 MySQL 9
2.3.3 Tomcat 9
第三章 前台用户系统的实现 10
3.1 用户登录注册 10
3.1.1 登录注册说明 10
3.1.2 登录注册实现 11
第四章 后台管理系统的说明 14
4.1用户管理 14
4.2 一级分类管理 15
4.3 二级分类管理 16
4.4 商品管理 17
4.5 订单管理 19
第五章 分析实现结果及测试 20
5.1系统测试 20
5.1.1测试目的 20
5.1.2测试方法 20
5.1.3 测试原则 21
5.1.4测试过程 21
5.2 软件测试结论 23
5.2.1软件能力 23
5.2.2缺陷和限制 23
5.3 系统测试环境 23
结 论 24
致 谢 26
参考文献 27
附录 28
1.1 系统设计思想
1.1.1 系统概述
1.2 主要开发思想和技术
1.2.1 MVC模式