摘 要
Android是当前三大移动开发平台之一,他是以Linux为基础的核心底层并创建在Java语言的基础之上,他的功能十分强大,能够帮助开发者快速建立应用开发方案,是一种汇聚了各类优秀框架的优点而建立起来的移动开发系统。Android是由安迪·鲁宾所创设的操作系统。谈到Android的界定,我们还得说说智能手机的概念,可以这样说,正是由于智能手机系统的发展,才促进了3G系统的成长。如果没有智能手机的发展也就不会有3G系统的诞生,以至于现在的4G。智能手机,就像电脑一样,有着独立的操作系统,可以由用户自行安装软件,游戏等第三方服务商提供的程序,通过此类软件来不断的对手机的功能进行加强和扩充,并可以通过移动通信网络来实现无线网络接入的手机。简而言之,智能手机就是一部像电脑一样可以通过下载安装软件来拓展手机基本功能的手机。从2007年下半年,Google宣布推出的基于Linux的Android手机操作系统,到现在,已经经历了10个年头,最新已经推出 Android7.0版本。
Based On Android Music Player
First of all, a brief introduction to Google android. Android was originally an independent mobile phone operating system company, in 2005 by Google acquired. In November 2007, Google announced the launch of Linux-based Android open mobile operating system, followed so far, has been developed to 6.0 version. Android is one of the three major mobile development platform, he is the core of Linux and built on the basis of java, to help developers quickly build application development program, his function is very powerful, is set all kinds of excellent framework of the long Built up a mobile development system. The Android operating system was originally created by Andy Rubin, initially primarily for mobile phones. Speaking of android definition, we have to mention the concept of smart phones can be said that the development of smart phone system to promote the growth of 3G systems, no smart phone development will not have the birth of 3G systems. The so-called smart phone, refers to the "like a computer", with a separate operating system, users can install software, games and other third-party service providers to provide the program, through such programs to continue to expand the function of the phone, and Can be through the mobile communication network to achieve wireless network access phone. In short, the smart phone is like a computer can be downloaded by installing software to expand the basic functions of mobile phones.
Keywords: Android; Eclipse; music player; smartphone
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 本文的主要工作 3
1.4 本文的组织结构 3
第二章 相关技术 4
2.1 系统开发环境及开发平台简介 4
2.2 Android环境搭建 4
2.3 Android SDK简介 5
2.4 SQLite简介 6
2.5 ADT简介 7
第三章 Android音乐播放器总体设计 8
3.1 系统需求分析 8
3.2 系统结构设计 10
第四章 系统实现 11
4.1 播放器界面设计 11
4.2 本地歌曲部分 12
4.2.1 本地歌曲的获取 12
4.2.2 播放本地歌曲 13
4.2.3 播放模式 18
4.3 网络歌曲部分 19
4.3.1 网络歌曲的获取 19
4.3.2 json数据的解析 20
4.3.3 网络歌曲的下载 21
4.4 系统部分展示 22
第五章 总结与展望 25
5.1 论文总结 25
5.2 展望 25
致 谢 26
参考文献 27
附录A:Androidmainfest.xml清单文件 28
附录B :Java代码 30
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义