摘 要
Develop a simple video website based on ssh in javaee
With the continuous development of science and technology in today's society, the life of the people is more and more cannot do without the network. The information age makes strong incoming people increasingly high requirements for the network media, the development of video website is very brisk. Video website in the news, science and technology, all aspects of the entertainment has become irreplaceable part of people's life. The occurrence of video website brings the following benefits: a visual impact is far greater than the print media, two is a live channel video site for major events, Gonzo synchronized broadcast, more timely, three video website makes the development of cultural undertakings is more on a higher level, the country's literature and constantly improve the level .
This system is a web based video website. It’s users by the administrator, members and visitors. The administrator of the video, the user information. A series of management. Visitors can browse the video.
Members can manage the system uses the SSH JavaEE framework and JSP technology to increase the system advanced browseuserinfo video and themselves, scalability and forward-looking, and makes the system more stable. This paper makes a concrete analysis to the needs of users and administrators the video of part user part are studied, and draw the function structure diagram, for further development.
Keywords: Video website;SSH;JSP;MySQL
目 录
1 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 视频网站现状及问题 1
1.2.1国外现状 1
1.2.2国内现状 2
1.3 本课题主要工作 2
2 相关技术简介 4
2.1SSH框架简介 4
2.1.1 Struts1 4
2.1.2 Spring 4
2.1.3 Hibernate 4
2.2 JSP简介 4
2.3 jQuery结构 5
2.4 数据库技术 5
3 系统分析 5
3.1 系统可行性分析 5
3.2 系统功能需求概述 6
3.3 系统设计规则与运行环境 6
3.3.1整个系统的设计规则 6
3.3.2操作环境 7
4 系统设计 7
4.1 系统架构的设计目标 7
4.2 系统架构设计 8
4.3 系统架构类图 9
4.4 系统交互图 10
4.4.1 系统架构类交互图 10
4.4.2 系统协作图 12
4.4.3 系统状态图 13
4.4.4 系统活动图 14
4.5 业务逻辑对象类设计 14
4.6 数据库设计 14
4.6.1 ER图 15
4.6.2 物理结构图 17
4.7 网络架构设计 18
5 系统实现 20
5.1 系统主要功能 20
5.2 各功能模块设计 21
5.2.1 数据库连接设计实现 21
5.2.2 登录设计实现 21
5.2.3 用户功能模块设计实现 23
5.2.4 管理员功能模块设计实现 24
6 系统测试与维护 26
6.1 测试与维护目的 26
6.2 测试与维护方法 27
6.3 测试过程 28
结 论 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 32
绪 论
1.1 研究背景