摘 要
Online shopping system based on B/S
The appearance of the Internet make up the defect of real store. It results in that people can buy the goods what they want to have. Therefore, more and more stores appear on the Internet. Online mall is developed because of it.
Compared with traditional real store, online mall makes people and stores easier. Because people don’t need to go to mobile phone stores for buying a phone. And stores don’t need to hire big rooms for sale, it reduce much money. Online shopping system implements the function of online mall, which make that users can buy goods online. It implements the need of shopping of users, and the need of sale of stores. Of course, it is the most basic need. It also contain the function of login and register, the function of searching goods, the function of shopping cart, the function of account management, the function of modifying users’ introduction, the function of modifying introduction of goods.
The system uses eclipse as the development tool, tomcat as the web server, mysql as the database server. It implements the basic functions of online shopping system and some extra functions.This article discusses the process of development, including requirements analysis, choosing development tool, design of database and codes.
Key words:jsp ;java;javascript;mysql
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 国内外研究现状 1
1.2 开发的目的和意义 1
1.3 研究内容 1
第二章 开发技术与开发环境介绍 3
2.1可行性分析 3
2.1.1 经济可行性分析 3
2.1.2 技术可行性分析 3
2.1.3组织可行性 3
2.2 系统开发工具 4
2.2.1 eclipse简介 4
2.2.2 tomcat服务器 4
2.2.3 mysql 4
第二章 需求分析与设计 5
3.1 用户需求 5
3.2性能需求 6
3.3 系统目标 6
3.4 总体设计 7
3.3.1 开发环境 7
3.3.2 运行环境 7
3.3.3 系统购物数据流图 7
3.3.4 前台结构功能图 8
3.3.5后台管理端功能模块图 9
第四章 界面的设计目标和总体设计 11
4.1数据库需求分析 11
4.2 实体图 11
4.3 数据库分析 12
第五章 系统实现 16
5.1 系统功能模块图 16
5.2 数据库连接 16
5.3 前台显示页面 19
5.5 后台管理模块 21
第六章 系统调试与测试 28
6.1系统测试的目的及意义 28
6.1.1 后台登录测试 28
6.1.2 数据录入测试 29
6.2后台管理功能测试 30
6.2.1订单管理模块测试 30
6.2.2 人员管理模块测试 31
第七章 总 结 34
致 谢 35
参考文献 36
1.1 国内外研究现状
随着世界经济的快速发展,人们对商品以及服务也变得越来越复杂。从互联网刚开始起步的时候,就有人提出了电子商务的想法。后来,许多网上购物网站接踵而至的到来,B2B,C2C,B2C,O2O等各种形态的网站出现了。国外知名的网站如 www.amazon.com,国内的知名网站如www.taobao.com。电子商务企业如浪潮一般席卷而来。网上购物也因此流行了起来。
1.2 开发的目的和意义
1.3 研究内容