摘 要
在上述的大环境的前提下,屏幕抓图软件的设计与实现是由计算机中的Visual Studio2012开发工具编写的而成的,使用其中的C 编程语言进行程序编译,框架模式使用MFC。
关键词:屏幕抓图;C ;MFC;
The Design and Completeness of Screen Snap Program
The improvement of living standards as well as scientific and technological progress has promoted the popularization of computer network. With the development of information technology and the improvement of people's living environment, people’s awareness of security precaution has enhanced unprecedentedly. As it is compatible with IP network seamlessly, and can process remote real-time video and be applied in other networks, video surveillance technology has limitless market demands. The popularization and application of network video surveillance will generate a large amount of video data inevitably.
Under the macro-environment as mentioned above, Visual Studio2012 development tool can be adopted to develop and design screen capture software, and C programming language to compile program with MFC as model framework.
This paper mainly introduces the development of a screen capture and image processing system with MFC as a framework. This system has two function keys and two user keys, including user-defined screen capture key and fixed-time screen capture key by setting parameters. Their common function is to save images. User-defined screen capture enables the user to use mouse to customize the range of screen capture image and save the image to the clipboard of system for further operations. Fixed-time screen capture key by setting parameters enables the user to set screenshot time interval, image pixels and other related parameters, and capture full screen, and then send it to the set-up address of the directory, convenient for the sending of images in the future production and life.
Key words:screen capture software; C ; MFC;
目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1课题研究的背景 1
1.2国内外研究的现状 1
1.3课题研究的目标 2
1.4论文的组织结构 3
2.需求分析 5
2.1软件使用场景 5
2.2软件功能 5
3.系统技术基础 7
3.1编译器--Visual Studio 2012介绍 7
3.2MFC框架介绍 7
3.3使用C 与MFC编写图像相关程序的优势 9
4.方案设计 11
4.1程序主界面 11
4.2系统说明-查看 12
4.3用户自定义截图 12
4.4定时大批量截图 14
5.实验结果 17
5.1用户自定义截图图片 17
5.2用户定时大批量截图图片 18
6.总结展望 20
6.1总结 20
6.2展望 20
致 谢 22
参考文献 23
附录:部分核心代码 25