摘 要
进行本实验需要的前期准备有人脸数据,人脸数据来源于英国剑桥大学Olivetti研究所制作的人脸数据库Olivetti Research Laboratory(简称ORL)。该数据库有40个人的人脸图片,每个人有10张灰度图片,图片中人的表情与遮盖物是否存在等各不相同,单张图片像素为112x92。ORL人脸库是目前使用最广泛的标准人脸数据库,对于初涉人脸识别的研究者来说是很好的样本。还需要MATLAB,使用MATLAB是因为它对于实现很多学习型算法来说是一个非常简单的工具。前期准备完成后开始人脸识别的工作:首先,从每个人的人脸图像中选取几张作为训练数据,剩下的图片作为测试数据。接着,将为了减轻计算机的工作量与节省时间,用主成分分析法对用训练人脸数据组成的矩阵进行降维,将降维后得到的由特征向量组成的矩阵进行规范化;然后,用k-Plane Cluster(KPC)函数来训练Plane-Gaussian (PG)人工神经网络。再者,用训练后的PG人工神经网络来对人脸数据进行分类。最后,进行正确率的计算。
Design and implement a human face recognition system using Plane-Gaussian Artificial Neural Network
Research on face recognition makes great sense in theory and technology: One can advance to the understanding of the human visual system itself; second is the need to meet the applications of artificial intelligence. Using face recognition technology, the establishment of automatic face recognition system, using a computer to achieve automatic recognition of face images has broad applications and tempting prospects.
The preparation of this experiment needed human face data from Olivetti Research institute of the university of Cambridge, UK, make face database Olivetti Research Laboratory (ORL). The database includes 40 individuals, everyone has 10 gray-scale image, pictures and other human expressions and gestures are different, single image pixels 112x92. ORL database is currently the most widely used standard face database, the researchers who is a new started his recognition is a very good sample. And the other one needed in this experiment is MATLAB, with which we can achieve a lot of learning algorithm. Upon completion of the preparatory work started recognition: First, select a few pictures from each person's face image as training data, the rest of the picture as the test data. Next, in order to reduce the workload of the computer and save time, using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce the dimension of the matrix composed by the feature vector, and then normalize the matrix; then, apply k-Plane Cluster (KPC) function to train Plane-Gaussian (PG) artificial neural network to obtain a classification function. Furthermore, with the classification function to classify data on the human face. Finally, calculate the correct rate.
Key words:ORL;MATLAB;PCA;KPC;Plane-Gaussian Artificial Neural Network
引言 5
1 人脸识别 1
1.1 人脸识别的意义 1
1.2 研究进展 2
2 研究内容 3
2.1 特征提取 3
2.1.1 特征提取概述 3
2.1.2 PCA降维 4
2.2 聚类算法 5
2.2.1 KPC算法 7
2.3 PG网络 8
3 人脸识别流程 11
3.1 人脸数据的读取 11
3.1.1 训练集人脸数据的读取 11
3.1.2 测试集人脸数据的读取 12
3.2 KPC算法训练PG网络 12
3.3 PG网络分类人脸 12
4 结果输出 14
4.1 降维截图 14
4.2 训练与测试精度 15
结论 17
致谢 18
参考文献 19
现代科技不断发展,出现了很多新的高技术,使个人身份的验证更可靠, 推动了社会的发展。识别技术有很多,比如指纹识别、掌纹识别、虹膜、视网膜、脸像、声音、笔迹等。在本文主要针对人脸识别技术进行研究。