摘 要
关键词:基于.net的学生实习实训系统,Microsoft Visual Studio 2010,SQL server 2008
The design and implementation of student internship training system
In the traditional teaching, compared with the theoretical teaching, the practice is less. In recent years, only from the distribution of college graduates, college graduates are not as good as some of the graduates of secondary schools. Investigate its reason: one is now the number of students, the teacher don't have much time and energy to focus on all the students; Second, the quality of students also falling, including the independent learning ability and practical ability; Third, the choose of the unit and the employers mostly need graduates preliminary ability in practice. Therefore, the present situation,only emphasizing on theoretical teaching at the same time, strengthen the practice teaching content. Practice has proved that: in practice, two kinds of effective methods are: practice and training, the computer science and engineering major is more like this. In view of this, a set of practical training management system is designed and developed for the simplicity of the practical training of artificial management.
Students practice training system is in such a big background gradually developed. This paper mainly studied how to develop a system for students to practice and meet the needs of three types of users are teachers, students and administrators. Student function: registration and login, user information management, practice information management, practice performance management, news and information view and practice report management; administrator function: registration and login, account information management, teacher information management, student information management, internship program, internship units of information management, student management, practice statistics and information management; function of teachers include: registration and login, user information management, unit information management, news information view, student information management.
Key words: Based .net students practice and training systems, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 , SQL server 2008目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 研究内容 2
第2章 相关的理论和技术 3
2.1 Microsoft Visual C#简介 3
2.2 .NET技术发展背景 4
2.3 Microsoft SQL Server 2008简介 5
第3章 系统需求分析 7
3.1 可行性分析 7
3.3 UML用例图 8
第4章 系统设计 11
4.1 功能模块设计 11
4.2 数据库概念结构设计 12
第5章 系统实现 14
5.1 用户注册登录 14
5.2 管理员功能 16
5.2.1 账号信息管理 16
5.2.2 指导教师信息管理 17
5.2.3 学生信息管理 17
5.2.4 实习单位信息管理 18
5.2.5 实习报告管理 18
5.2.6 实习统计 19
5.2.7 新闻信息管理 19
5.2.8 实习计划管理 20
5.3 指导教师功能 20
5.3.1 用户信息管理 20
5.3.2 实习成绩管理 21
5.3.3 学生信息管理 21
5.3.4 实习单位信息管理 22
5.3.5 新闻信息查看 22
5.4 学生功能 23
5.4.1 用户信息管理 23
5.4.2 实习信息管理 23
5.4.3 实习报告管理 24
5.4.4 实习计划 24
5.4.5 新闻信息查看 25
第6章 系统调试和测试 25
6.1 软件测试重要性 25
6.2 软件测试 26
结 论 27
致 谢 28
参考文献 29
第1章 绪论
1.1 课题背景
1.2 国内外研究现状