摘 要
An iOS APP Designed for Insurance Company’s Trouble Reporting
This thesis describes the development in iOS platform, through Xcode development tools, and the use of Objective-C language development of a run on the iOS devices a smart insurance company reported impaired APP. The APP complete major insurance companies reported impaired phone work, you need a set of iOS-based mobile phone APP, the main functions are as follows: reported barrier in the opening procedure requires the use Global Positioning System (GPS) of the iOS smartphone, the user registration, the vehicle link failure, the extent of damage the vehicle to take pictures and upload them to the program and reported impaired, insurance company personnel to the rear end of a first time response, and promptly take appropriate measures to deal with the aPP map-based applications.
Now society has entered the era of mobile Internet, high-tech to our life convenient, comfortable, experience of the effect of very high, the IOS operating system experience higher, the application is based on the IOS platform design to achieve fault vehicle site upload pictures, update the user information, record additions and deletions to change, support iPhone4 / 4S, iphone5 / 5S and iPhone6/plus; resources occupation rate, high efficiency, simple operation, strong ability to expand. System screen clear and smooth, with a good user experience. IOS operating system and Android system has a good programming style and interface design, system analysis and functional analysis of a comprehensive, and user-friendly operation, as far as possible to reduce unnecessary operation.
Key Words:iOS;Objective-C;APP;PHP
目 录
1 前言 - 1 -
1.1 选题背景 - 1 -
1.1.1 基于iOS手机APP的开发 - 1 -
1.1.2 选择保险公司手机报障APP的现实背景 - 3 -
2 iOS、环境、OC、相关技术介绍 - 5 -
2.1 iOS - 5 -
2.2 Xcode开发环境 - 6 -
2.3 Objective-C - 7 -
2.4 PHP - 8 -
3 具体功能实现 - 10 -
3.1 用户账号 - 10 -
3.1.1 用户注册 - 10 -
3.2 主界面功能介绍 - 12 -
3.2.1 访问相机进行拍照 - 12 -
3.2.2 添加对话框 - 14 -
3.2.3 定位功能 - 15 -
3.3 用户主页功能介绍 - 17 -
3.3.1 用户个人中心 - 17 -
3.3.2 已处理记录状态 - 19 -
4 服务器与数据库 - 21 -
4.1新浪云 - 21 -
4.1.1 新浪云服务器简介 - 21 -
4.2 MySQL数据库 - 23 -
4.2.1 MySQL数据库简介 - 23 -
4.2.2 MySQL数据库的优点 - 24 -
4.2.3 项目中用到的表 - 24 -
致 谢 - 27 -
参考文献 - 28 -
1 前言
1.1 选题背景
1.1.1 基于iOS手机APP的开发
互联网发展至今主流开发平台已经逐步趋于明显,占据如今市场主流地位的有:iOS、Android、Java ME、Windows Phone、Flash/Flash Lite、mobile web(WAP/XHTML/CSS/Javascript)。谷歌研发的Android系统,占据全球整个智能手机的半壁江山,该系统的研发基于Linux系统,同时对程序员开放源代码,因此具有以下特征:不受束缚,简单开放,大功能,方便开发,丰富的硬件以及低廉的成本…但是它也存在相当多的不足,如:用户安全问题,由于用户手机与互联网的紧密联系,使得用户的安全及隐私得不到保障;安卓对于硬件的要求在此也不用多强调,安卓设备在石油一年之后很难继续运行流畅;有些产品华而不实,用户体验差。就现在来看,iOS平台的市场占有率呈现稳步上升态势,而其它平台类似Android、Windows Phone、BlackBerry在逐渐下降。