摘 要
在本次课题中,我们主要使用了飞思卡尔K60处理器,微软VS 2010编译器,
Kinetis Design Studio 3.0.0 IDE 程序烧录。VS 2010用来开发软件,主要负责设计界面,各种功能模块,主要模块有:串口选择打开,串口数据显示;LED 功能测试;ADC功能测试;RTC功能测试;FLASH功能测试;数据组帧解帧、数据发送。K60处理器则是我们用来实验,查看整体软件运行情况的工具。Kinetis Design Studio 3.0.0 IDE 用来在K60端写入程序,又称为烧录程序。
A project designed for managing and testing freescaleK60.
The embedded system and the embedded operation system has long time to develop. So they become a completely construction. They are everywhere in human life. They are widely useful. From computer chip, mobile phone, auto robot, to high-precision chip. It play a more and more important role in our live.FreescaleK60 is a high-performance embedded system. This program is designed on computer and it can help K60 test, send and receive data. It is designed for managing and testing freescaleK60.
In this program, I use FreescaleK60, Microsoft VS 2010, Kinetis Design Studio 3.0.0 IDE to complete my task. I use Vs 2010 to design the menu. Main functions are: Choose and open port; Display the port’s data; LED function test; ADC function test; RTC function test; Flash function test; Data framing,deframing,sending and receiving;The important part I think most is framing and deframing.
After testing, this program can realize the requirements and the functions. It can open and close the port; display the commend data; LED test;ADC , RTE and Flash functions.The success that this program achieve means the embedded system is mature.
Keywords: embedded system; package and analyze data; Data framing,deframing;
1. 前 言 - 1 -
1.1本课题的产生原因 - 1 -
1.2 本课题的目的 - 1 -
1.3 本课题的意义 - 1 -
1.4 本课题中遇到的问题 - 1 -
2. 开发工具简介 - 2 -
2.1 软件介绍 - 2 -
2.2 什么是嵌入式系统? - 2 -
2.3 嵌入式系统的特点 - 2 -
2.4 什么是 ARM 处理器 - 3 -
2.5.飞思卡尔K60处理器: - 3 -
3.串口通讯设计 - 5 -
3.1.串口通讯模式设计 - 5 -
3.2 通讯命令设计 - 5 -
3.3帧协议的设计 - 5 -
3.3.1组帧与解帧描述 - 6 -
4.软件结构分析 - 8 -
4.1 结构简述 - 8 -
4.2 功能方法概述 - 8 -
4.3资源类概述 - 9 -
4.4窗口界面概述 - 10 -
5.软件功能分析 - 11 -
5.1串口控制模块 - 11 -
5.2 串口数据显示模块 - 13 -
5.3解帧功能描述 - 15 -
5.4 LED 功能模块描述 - 16 -
5.5 ADC 功能模块描述 - 18 -
5.6 RTC 功能描述 - 21 -
5.7 Flash 功能模块描述 - 24 -
7. 项目总结 - 27 -
致 谢 - 28 -
参考文献 - 29 -
- 前 言
1.2 本课题的目的
1.3 本课题的意义
1.4 本课题中遇到的问题