摘 要
物联网(Internet of Things: IoT)是一种将所有物件串连在一起的智能网络。它集成了如射频识别、无线通信、实时定位和传感等技术,将物理设备、智能化物体通过无线网络连接、传输以达到信息交流的目的。具体地说,它将物理对象作为信息网络的必要组成部分,创建了一个以物件为主体的自适应型网络世界。然而,以下几个因素均会造成传感器传回服务器端的数据不准确:1.因传感器所处环境可能十分恶劣,如潮湿大、温度高,加之可能遭受自然环境的风吹日晒,有可能降低采集信号的可靠性;2.在电池电压不稳时(目前只能采用干电池对传感器供电),也会产生数据异常;3数据传输多采用无线方式,这也是产生异常数据的另一个因素。如何检测出海量数据中的异常数据就显得十分必要了。
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an intelligent network which connect with all
the objects. It ensembles many technologies including radio frequency identification(RFID), wireless communication, real-time location and sensor connection, connects physical devices and intelligent apparatus and transfers by wireless signal to achieve information communication. Concretely, it takes these physical objects as a part of information network and create an adaptive networked world to object as the main. However, the following factors can cause that sensor data returned the server is not accurate. Firstly, environment of sensor can be very bad, such as serious damp, high temperature, suffering from the natural environment possibly. These may have reduced acquisition signal reliability. Secodly, when the battery voltage is unstable(Currently we only use dry cell to provide electricity for sensor), it also can produce abnormal data. Thirdly, Data transmission is used more wireless mode,this is also another factor ofgenerating abnormal data. it becomes very important to how to detect the abnormal data massive data.
This issue is researched in this background . It will introduce that using the forecasting system of ground temperature transfer over the real-time data through the Internet of things and introduce through examples how to detect and analyze abnormal data.Then it can make forecasting personnel easy to handle exceptions quickly and accurately, reduce unnecessary workload and promote improved quality of forecast. We mainly through least squares regression and improved least squares regression find the characteristic equation and characteristic values, and through the MATLAB linear fitting achieve the purpose of detecting the data and analyzing data.
Key words: Internet of Things; Abnormal data; Least squares regression; Linear regression; Ridge regression
摘要 2
目录 4
第一章 绪论 5
1.1 物联网 5
1.2 物联网背景 5
1.3物联网研究现状 7
1.4本文主要内容 8
第二章 常用回归方法 10
2.1最小二乘回归 10
2.2岭回归 12
2.3 本章总结 14
第三章 研究工具简介 15
3.1 MATLAB研究工具的概况 15
3.2 MATLAB的语言特点 15
3.3 本文使用MATLAB的主要函数 16
3.2.1 plot函数 16
3.2.2 eig函数 18
第四章 本文检测异常数据的方法 20
4.1 引言 20
4.2 回归函数 20
4.3 异常数据检测 22
4.3.1 异常数据检测背景 22
4.3.2 建立检测数据 22
4.3.3异常数据检测 23
4.4 本章总结 26
第五章 实验结果 28
第六章 总结 32
致谢 33
参考文献 34
第一章 绪论
1.1 物联网
物联网是新一代信息技术的重要组成部分。物联网的英文名称叫“The Internet of things”。顾名思义,物联网就是“物物相连的互联网”。这有两层意思:第一,物联网的核心和基础仍然是互联网,是在互联网基础上的延伸和扩展的网络;第二,其用户端延伸和扩展到了任何物体与物体之间,进行信息交换和通信。因此,物联网的定义是:通过射频识别(RFID)、红外感应器、全球定位系统、激光扫描器等信息传感设备,按约定的协议,把任何物体与互联网相连接,进行信息交换和通信,以实现对物体的智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理的一种网络。
1.2 物联网背景
物联网的概念提出始于1999年,当时在计算机互联网的基础上,基于互联网、RFID技术、EPC标准,利用射频识别技术、无线数据通信技术等,构造了一个实现全球物品信息实时共享的互联网“Internet of things”(简称物联网),这也为在2003年掀起第一轮华夏物联网热潮奠定了基础。