
 2021-04-10 11:04

摘 要



Key words……………………………………………………………………………………………1

引言 ……………………… …………………………………………………………………………………1

一、绪论 5

1.1搜索引擎及搜索引擎优化的定义 5

1.2搜索引优化概述 5

1.2.1搜索引擎优化历史 5

1.2.2 国内研究现状 7

1.2.3国外研究现状 8

1.3 企业网站搜索引擎优化的意义 9

二、企业网站搜索引擎优化技术分析 9

2.1 搜索引擎收录与排名规则分析 9

2.2企业网站关键字的分析和选取 12

2.2.1关键字的重要性 12

2.2.2关键字的选取方法 12

2.2.3关键词密度 12

2.2.4关键词分布 13

2. 3网站的登录与提交 13

2. 4搜索引擎优化的链接策略 14

2.4.1 Google的PageRank 14

2.4.2内部链接、导入链接和导出链接 14

三、基于搜索引擎优化进行企业网站建设 15

3.1背景 15

3. 2网站SEO开发流程 15

3.3网站SEO表现 16

3.3.1域名选择 16

3.3.2主机和IP地址选择 17

3.3.3同IP网站查询 17

3.3.4收录查询 18

3.3.5反向链接查询 18

3.3.6网页Rank查询 19

3.4网站诊断结果分析 20

3.5制定优化方案 20

四、企业网站搜索引擎优化技术的实现(仿宋体四号) 21

4.1域名策略 22

4.2空间策略 22

4.3网站代码优化策略 22

4.3.1遵循WEB标准 22

4.3.2代码的写作优化 23

4.5链接策略 24

五、网站SEO实践测评 25

5.1网站搜索引擎优化测评 25

5.2优化测评分析 28

六、结论与展望 28

6.1 结论 28

6.2展望 29





Enterprise web search engine optimization research

Abstract:With the rapid development of Internet, the network has become indispensable to people's lives in the service, use the search engine quickly become the majority of Internet users search for information has been an important part of daily life. Not only in everyday life, more and more enterprises through the search engine to find suitable for their business services and products. For businesses, the network promoted as an important product of their marketing. So, how to target customers the fastest, how to find them easy to target customers, a business concern. With the development of search engines, according to the results of the search engine rankings, rankings derived from the optimization based on lifting their corporate Web site technology, allows businesses related to the search products in the front position to occupy.Corporate website covers the company's products and services, it is the ranking of search engines and the decisive factor. In order to allow enterprises to occupy in the search engines front position, business website developers began to study search engines and ranking rules, and web design, development and maintenance practices throughout the course of a reasonable technical means, these techniques are calledof the search engine optimization (SEO). Popular trend in network marketing today, companies of very great importance to search engine optimization, search engine optimization has become a research hotspot in recent years.

This paper analyzes the impact of search engines and ranking of various factors, understanding the common characteristics of the search engine algorithms, the logistics of a corporate website through search engine optimization diagnosis, proposed user-oriented optimization for the network environment (search engine etc.) optimization, and operation and maintenance for web site optimization program, search engine optimization is proposed for the site development strategy, such as background, the domain name and space selection, keyword strategy, technology strategy, logistics, strategic level web directory, website code optimization strategy, site characteristics analysis, effect analysis, and will apply in the instance of the policy site, obtained the search engines and ranking data report, pointed out by evaluation of the development strategy of logistics business website search engine optimization an important effect sex.

Key words: Search engine;  enterprise website;  Optimization

引言 在全球信息化飞速发展的今天,网络营销迅速发展。企业建立网站是进行网络营销的有效方式之一。企业网站通常代表一个企业的形象,是对企业或企业产品的推广,是实际业务的拓展。所以,网站的优劣也成为企业关注的一个方面。但是企业在建立网站之后,不一定能达到理想的效果。随着搜索引擎技术的不断完善和发展,利用搜索引擎查找信息和搜索相关网站已成为用户在网上查询获取信息最常用的方法[1],大多数人会把自己的注意力放在前几页的搜索结果上,所以网站在搜索引擎上的排名直接影响到网站的实际效果。对于排名靠后的网站,要想使得网站有好的排名,就必须通过对网站进行优化,提升网站在搜索引擎上的排名。如果能将企业自身的网站排到相应关键词的搜索引擎结果页面前列,甚至是第一名,这将给企业带来巨大的商机。如何让网民可以通过搜索引擎更容易的找到自己的网站,成为了企业网站经营的一个重要问题。搜索引擎优化应运而生,利用搜索引擎优化技术,提升企业网站关键词在搜索引擎上的排名,使得公司网站容易被人找到,为企业网站带来源源不断的目标访问者,达到意想不到的网络推广效果,提高企业利润。



搜索引擎SE(Search Engine),是指在Internet中主动搜索信息并能自动索引、提供查询服务的一类网站,这些网站通过网络搜索软件(又称为网络搜索机器人Robots)或网站登录等方式,将Internet上大量网站的页面收集到本地,对信息进行组织和处理后,为用户提供检索服务,将用户检索相关的信息展示给用户的系统。[2]

搜索引擎优化SEO(Search Engine Optimization)指针对搜索引擎的网站收录和评价规律,对网站的结构作合理的调整,对网页的内容和页面因素(包括标题、描述等)作出科学性的处理,使每个网页能够最有效的反映网页需要表述的信息,而总体上使网站集中反映一个主题,让网站建设各项基本要素适合搜索引擎的检索原则,从而获得搜索引擎收录尽可能多的网页,并在搜索引擎的自然排名中排名靠前,最终达到网站推广的目的。[3]




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