摘 要
本课题就是在上述背景下提出的,是基于C#语言和Microsoft Visual Studio 2008技术平台的以实现无线网络网关设计。
With wireless communications, system on chip, micro-electromechanical systems, and low-power embedded technology's rapid development,wireless sensor networks have emerged, and with its low cost, low power consumption, the characteristics of distributed and self-organization brought about a change in perception of information.
Wireless sensor network is deployed in the monitoring area by the large number of low-cost micro sensor nodes, formed by way of wireless communication, a multi-hop ad hoc networks. Zigbee wireless sensor network technology is used within a short distance, low data transmission rates between the various electronic devices for wireless communications technology. Wireless sensor networks can be composed of many same or different features of wireless nodes. In accordance with the physical hardware, It can be divided into full-function device (FFD) and semi-function device (RFD); Logical functions (in the Zigbee network effect) can be divided into: Master coordinator and routers, they belong to the FFD nodes. And terminal devices, it belongs to the RFD nodes. Terminal node which is all kinds of sensor nodes.
Wireless sensor network is a new platform for access to information, It can real-time monitor and capture all kinds of information within the region, and will send this information to the gateway node. And then communicate with the other network systems to achieve the purpose of the interaction between data.
This topic is made in the above context, it is based on the C # language and Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 technology platform to achieve the wireless network gateway design
Key Words:Serial Communication, C#,SerialPort,Zigbee,CC2430
前 言 1
第一章 绪论 2
1.1选题的背景 2
1.2选题的意义 3
1.3 研究内容 3
第二章 基于Zigbee的无线网络网关的总体设计 4
2.1 嵌入式系统 4
2.1.1 嵌入式系统的定义 4
2.1.2 嵌入式系统组成 4
2.2 无线传感器网络 5
2.3 ZigBee 6
2.3.1 ZigBee 来源 6
2.3.2. ZigBee 的发展 6
2.3.3. ZigBee 的特点 6
2.3.4 ZigBee 技术的特色与创新 7
2.4 系统设计思想 7
第三章 CC2430DK Zigbee 开发套件 8
3.1 CC2430DK Zigbee 开发套件概述 8
3.2 套件主要内容 8
3.2.1 硬件标准配置 8
3.2.2. 选配件: 9
3.2.3. 软件标准配置: 9
第四章 系统硬件的设计与实现 10
4.1 CC2430/2431仿真器 10
4.2 CC2430无线节点 11
4.3 RS232串口电缆 12
第五章 软件平台tem_port设计 14
5.1 编程语言 14
5.1.1 C#语言简介 14
5.1.2 C#语言的优势 14
5.2 开发环境 16
5.2.1 操作系统 16
5.2.2 开发工具 16
5.3 软件平台总体设计 17
5.3.1 设计思路 17
5.3.2 软件平台设计程序流程图 17
5.4 客户端tem_port界面搭建 19
5.5 tem_port功能结构 20
5.5.1 功能描述 20
5.5.2 功能结构 20
5.5.3 功能模块分析 20
5.6 tem_port功能实现 21
5.6.1 串口管理 21
5.6.2 串口的配置 22
5.6.3 数据的发送与 接收 25
5.6.4 数据的保存 29
第六章 系统测试 31
6.1 系统测试环境 31
6.2 功能测试 31
总结 33
致谢 34
参考文献 35
附录 36
前 言