摘 要
关键字:Android 操作系统 模拟器
The world today is the information world of abundance,with the development of science and technology, mobile phone as a very important means of communication,its function more and more powerful.Relative TV, Internet, mobile phone relies on its way can at any time anywhere the acquisition and processing information advantage, gradually become people to access information one important method. This period, the existence of a smartphone between sociolinguistics, variety, but the real handy by user affection, not many smart phones.In the last two years due to the Android operating system has good open platforms open convenient wait for a characteristic, using Android operating system phones more and more get the favour of people.Meanwhile Android smartphone operating system in the role of the field is becoming more and more important.Considering Android broad market prospect, this article will Android operating system and its important application debugging tools as subject phone mimic research object.This paper studies done work mainly in the following aspects:1, research the Android system research direction, development trend and research.2, and for his operating system, Android compares the advantages and disadvantages of the system.3, introduced the outline and function of Simulator.4, mobile phone simulator in Eclipse platform of set up and use.5, combined with a small application to further understand how to use the simulator.
Through this paper to Android operating system and mimic introduction, facilitate future study, the more help future Android platform development and application.
key words:Android operating system simulator
1、Android操作系统的介绍 1
1.1国内外的研究方向 1
1.2相关手机操作系统产品的现状和比较 2
1.3Android操作系统简介及历史版本 4
1.4Android平台手机的优缺点 7
1.5Android系统的发展趋势 10
1.6国内外研究成果 11
2、基于Windows平台的模拟机的搭建 12
2.1框架构成 12
2.2 Android 移动手机模拟器简介 14
2.3模拟机环境的搭建 16
2.3.1开发环境安装包: 16
2.3.2安装步骤: 16
2.3.3应用 18
2.4模拟机的使用 22
3、模拟机的应用 24
3.1创建工程的应用 24
3.2Android系统的成品在模拟机上的实现 29
4、总结与展望 31
4.1总结 31
4.2展望 31
4.3致谢 32
5、参考文献 33
由于人们对手机功能和应用的要求与日俱增,这使得了手机的应用程序可谓是层出不穷,包括手机游戏,网络应用,餐饮娱乐,用于旅行的移动GPS(Global Positioning System全球定位系统)系统,运营商提供的增值服务移动音乐系统,Web浏览器,地图服务等等的一些应用。到目前为止,每一类的应用软件都多种多样,适合不同的版本,不同的机型,虽然它们都有各自己的优势与方便,但是大部分的软件应用都是各自为政,也就是说,一个软件对应一种或两种的应用,对于一些多功能的应用软件可谓是屈指可数[2]。例如像大众点评网的手机版软件,3G门户等软件,虽然有其的一定优点,不过也还不能算得上是真正意义上的一合综合的应用。加之还有现在存在着众多的手机生产商,而且大部分都是代码不开源的操作系统,各种应用在不同的机子上不兼容。对运营商来讲,往往需要单独对某类手机系统进行开发,这样导致了成本的增大。因此与运营商结成同盟,实现基本代码的开源,致使开发成本的降低,这对消费者和运营商都有好处[3]。为此,Google公司于2007年11月推出了一个专为移动设备设计的软件平台——Android,该操作系统的出现打破了这些格局[4]。