摘 要
Interactive Visibility Transfer System for Image Graphics
With the rapidly developing of science and technology, the computer processing of graphics and images to achieve the desired results in today's society, that is, graphics processing technology. In image processing technology, the accuracy of registration operation is directly related to the effect of subsequent processing, and image registration is based on the theory and practice of geometric transformation. Its application is becoming more and more widespread, and more attention is paid by the industry. In order to improve the convenience and generalization of image registration, users can demonstrate various spatial geometric transformations interactively and graphically, display the transformation effect on the image, and realize real-time image registration.
The research of image geometric transformation has always been an important research direction of digital image processing. This project directly faces users, and combines the geometric changes of graphics and images with visualization technology, which lays a foundation for future research.
This project is mainly developed by MATLAB, using GUI framework to complete the design of graphical user interface, and using polynomial geometric correction method to complete the geometric transformation of images.
Key words: MATLAB; GUI; Polynomial geometric correction; Visibility technology; Geometric transformation
1绪论 6
1.1国内研究概况 6
1.1.1国内关于几何变换理论的研究概况 6
1.1.2国内图形图像可视化系统的研究概况 6
1.2国外研究概况 7
1.2.1国外关于几何变换理论的研究概况 7
1.2.2国外图形图像可视化系统的研究概况 7
1.3 研究的目的和意义 8
1.4 研究内容 8
2开发技术与开发环境介绍 9
2.1 MATLAB软件简介 9
2.1.1 MATLAB的产生与发展 9
2.1.2 MATLAB的功能 9强大的计算处理能力 9强大的图形处理能力 10
2.2 GUI简介 10
2.2.1 GUI的产生与发展 10
2.2.1 GUI的特点 11
3系统设计与解决方案实现 12
3.1 GUI图形用户界面的设计 12
图1:图形用户界面示意图 12
3.2代码初始化 13
3.3图像的读入 13
3.3.1 图像读入(imread函数) 13
3.3.2图像读取实现结果 13参考图像读取 13校正图像读取 16
3.4图像增强 18
3.4.1 图像增强的目的 18
3.4.2 图像增强方法 18
直方图均衡化 18
3.4.3 imadjust函数 19
3.4.4 图像增强实现结果 19
3.5 图像坐标点选取 20
3.5.1 参考图像坐标点选取 20
3.5.2 校正图像坐标点选取 22
3.6 图像多项式几何变换 25
4系统测试 29
4.1 系统测试的目的 29
4.2 系统测试的内容 29
4.2.1 功能测试 29
4.2.2 性能测试 29
4.2.3 界面测试 29
4.2.4系统中所存在的问题 29
4.2.5 系统特色与创新 29
5 结论 31
6致谢 32
参考文献: 33