摘 要
Book return Management system of Publishing House
The book return analysis and management system is a management system that the publishing house carries out business production according to the orders of Xinhua Bookstore. The aim is to improve the fine management of textbooks and teaching aids in publishing houses by designing and using the system. These relevant data can provide important predictive data for the publishing house's work in the coming year. Through the digital management of orders, the human resources of publishing houses are liberated, the speed of data processing and exchange is accelerated, and the consumption of various resources is saved. We can make full use of the computer's computing performance to realize the simplification, digitization, graphical and visualization of data. This system uses the mainstream B/S system framework design, Java language as the main design language, mainly design front-end knowledge and database application. The main functions of the system include the introduction of order tasks, the classification management of books, the classification of new books, the revision of book classification (to keep historical information), the comparison between years, the comparison between regions, and other kinds of reports.
Key words:Management System, Front-end Design, Database, Visualization
1 绪论 - 1 -
1.1 系统开发背景 - 1 -
1.2 系统开发意义 - 2 -
1.3 出版社图书回告管理系统的业务实现 - 2 -
1.4 小结 - 3 -
2 系统相关技术及可行性分析 - 4 -
2.1 系统开发工具 - 4 -
2.2 系统框架应用技术 - 4 -
2.3 数据库技术 - 6 -
2.4 可行性分析 - 7 -
2.5 小结 - 7 -
3 系统设计 - 8 -
3.1 设计目标 - 8 -
3.2 系统功能模块 - 8 -
3.2.1 系统管理 - 9 -
3.2.2 图书管理 - 9 -
3.2.3 订单管理 - 10 -
3.2.4 订单分析 - 10 -
3.3 小结 - 10 -
4 数据库设计 - 11 -
4.1 数据库结构设计 - 11 -
4.2 数据库内容设计 - 15 -
5 详细设计 - 17 -
5.1 系统界面设计 - 17 -
5.2 系统功能设计 - 17 -
5.2.1 系统管理 - 17 -
5.2.2 图书管理 - 20 -
5.2.3 图书订单管理 - 25 -
5.2.4 图书订单分析 - 28 -
5.3 几个比较特别的JavaScript函数 - 30 -
5.4 小结 - 30 -
6 系统测试 - 32 -
6.1 系统测试方法 - 32 -
6.2 系统测试用例 - 32 -
6.3 系统测试结果 - 32 -
6.4 小结 - 33 -
7 系统开发遇到的问题 - 34 -
7.1 遇到的问题 - 34 -
7.2 需要改进的方面 - 34 -
7.3 小结 - 34 -
8 总结 - 35 -
致谢 - 36 -
参考文献 - 37 -
1 绪论
1.1 系统开发背景