摘 要
关键词:JAVA;物流配送系统 ;struts;spring;ibatis;
Design and implementation of logistics distribution system
This system is based on struts as the web layer, and spring includes the business layer and the integration of struts and ibatis, and ibatis is the logistics distribution system of the persistence layer.
In the past, the traditional transport industry did not have a clear management method, leading to a rather complex and messy market environment. There was no effective and unified management of distribution vehicles and distribution personnel, which could not meet the needs of people who are increasingly pursuing safety and efficiency. In today's time-efficient era, the ancient and traditional mode of transportation will be replaced and popularized by more advanced and intelligent efficient transportation. In order to improve the overall efficiency of logistics and distribution (distribution, inventory management, etc.), I developed a convenient logistics and distribution system for customers, including customer management, goods management, order management, distribution management, warehouse management, information management, system management and so on. Customer management can view the list of customers and modify the level of customers; Cargo management can view the cargo list and modify the properties of the cargo; The order management can view the detailed information of the order, edit and delete the order, and see the return list. Delivery management can check the delivery of orders, shipments and returns; Warehouse management can view or edit warehouse information and inventory quantity; Information management can modify the content of articles; System administration can change the administrator's password or set the user's level. The system also has the function of inventory report, which can directly display the data results through the table intuitively.
Through this system, customers can make full use of the information in the system to manage, further realize the automation and informatization of logistics distribution process, reduce enterprise management costs and improve enterprise profits. Benefiting from this system, the traditional logistics industry will accelerate the transformation to modern logistics.
Key words:Logistics distribution system;JAVA;struts;spring;ibatis;
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1 课题的背景 1
1.2 目的和意义 1
1.3 可行性分析 2
1.3.1 经济可行性 2
1.3.2 技术可行性 3
1.3.3 操作可行性 4
2系统分析 5
2.1 业务流分析 5
2.2 数据流分析 6
2.3 数据字典 7
3系统设计 9
3.1 数据库概念结构设计 9
3.2 数据库逻辑结构设计 11
3.3 软件介绍 14
4系统实现 15
4.1系统功能模块的实现 15
4.1.1 管理员登陆界面 15
4.1.2 登录成功主界面 16
4.1.3 客户管理界面 17
4.1.4 货物管理界面 18
4.1.5 订单管理界面 20
4.1.6 配送管理界面 21
4.1.7 仓库管理界面 23
4.1.8 资讯管理界面 24
4.1.9 系统管理界面 25
5系统调试与测试 28
结 论 29
致 谢 30
参考文献 31
1.1 课题的背景
1.2 目的和意义