摘 要
用户可通过注册账号,并设置相应的密码。这个账号就可作为个人填充资料的账号。管理员注册专属的账号,追踪执行问卷,添加数据及对数据进行相应处理等操作。该系统融合了JSP技术与SQL Server 2008能够实现高效的管理系统。
The Design of Employment Tracking System for College Graduates
At present, with the rapid development of the whole society and the accelerated pace of life, information has penetrated into all areas of human life. Questionnaire survey shows that the system can survey and manage graduate information, track the employment situation of graduates, and improve the operation ability of the platform, and set up corresponding employment tracking management system for the needs of graduate management in Colleges and universities.
Users can register their accounts and set their passwords accordingly. This account can be used as a personal fill-in account. Administrators register their own accounts, follow up questionnaires, add data and process data accordingly. The system integrates JSP technology and SQL Server 2008 to achieve an efficient management system.
This design of employment tracking system for college graduates fully integrates the advantages of the above technology. The system mainly includes user information, questionnaire information management, system management and other modules. At the same time, it integrates the front desk inquiry information, equipment, browsing and other parts skillfully, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort. Comprehensive and scientific research and testing, setting up information, managing user information, displaying the latest information, etc.
The system needs to be modified according to the actual operation. Generally speaking, the system can achieve safe and stable operation, high flexibility and flexible operation.
Key Words:graduates; systems, questionnaires; analytical structure
目 录
1 课题概述 1
1.1 课题研发的背景 1
1.2 课题研发的目的 1
1.3 课题研发的意义 1
2 系统规划 2
2.1 使用对象分析 3
2.2 流程分析 3
2.2.1用户的业务流程 3
3 系统分析 4
3.1 数据流图分析 4
3.2 数据字典 5
3.2.1 数据源点和终点: 5
3.2.2 数据处理 6
4 系统设计 7
4.1 系统功能模块划分 7
4.1.1 管理员功能 7
4.1.2 用户功能 7
4.2 运行环境与开发模式的选择 8
4.2.1 JSP编程技术 8
4.2.2 SQL Server 2008 开源数据库的开发 9
4.2.3 运行环境 9
4.2.4 开发模式 11
4.3 系统数据库设计 11
4.3.1 概念结构设计 11
4.3.2 逻辑结构设计 12
4.3.3 数据库表设计 13
4.4 网站页面设计 14
4.4.1 新用户的注册 15
4.4.2 会员用户的登录 16
4.4.3 前台的功能界面 17
4.4.4 后台的管理界面 18
4.4.5 系统数据管理 20
5 系统测试及难点分析 21
5.1 系统运行环境的搭建 21
5.2 系统的测试 21
5.2.1 系统关键部分测试分析 21
5.2.2 测试结果分析与说明 22
5.2.3 系统安全与性能分析 22
5.3 系统中存在的问题及解决方法 22
结 论 23
致 谢 24
参考文献 25