摘 要
University equipment fixed asset management system
With the development of the Internet, all industries are considering using the Internet to promote themselves. The best way is to establish their own Internet system and maintain and manage it. In the practical application, the working rules and development steps of the application software are used to construct the news management system of Java technology.
This graduation design mainly realizes the humanized, efficient, convenient and other advantages of the news management system. The system communicates with the server through the browser to realize the interaction and change of the data. With a single computer, you can use your fingers to operate the system and achieve data communication management. The design process of the whole system takes into account the safety, stability and reliability of the data and the operation process is simple. Through scientific management and convenient service, this system improves working efficiency and reduces errors and omissions in data storage.
This system use Windows 7 as a server operating system, choose the Java development language, database selection is essentially, using the JDBC database connection technology, using the myeclipse as the system application development tools, Web server selection Tomcat7.0 version.
Key words: Data communication; JSP;SQLSERVER; MyEclipse
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1开发背景与意义 1
1.2论文结构 1
2 主要技术和工具介绍 2
2.1 jsp脚本语言 2
2.2 sqlserver数据库 2
2.3 B/S结构 3
2.4 MVC模式 3
2.5 Myeclipse开发工具概述 3
2.6 tomcat服务器概述 3
3 系统分析 4
3.1可行性分析 4
3.1.1技术可行性 4
3.1.2经济可行性 4
3.1.3操作可行性 4
3.2需求分析 4
3.3业务流程分析 5
3.4数据流程分析 6
4 系统设计 8
4.1整体架构 8
4.2系统结构设计 8
4.3功能模块设计 9
4.4系统安全设计 10
4.5表单字段校验处理设计 10
4.6系统维护设计 10
4.7数据库设计 11
4.7.1数据库设计概述 11
4.7.2概念设计 11
4.7.3逻辑设计 12
4.7.4 物理设计 12
5 系统实现 15
5.1登录模块的实现 15
5.2.系统首页的实现 16
5.3用户端模块的实现 17
5.4管理员模块的实现 19
5.4.1用户管理模块的实现 19
5.4.2密码修改模块的实现 20
5.4.3资产管理模块的实现 22
5.4.4借出管理模块的实现 24
5.4.5资产维修模块的实现 26
6 系统测试 28
6.1测试目的与定义 28
6.2功能测试 28
6.3测试结果 29
6.4测试评价 29
总 结 31
致 谢 32
参考文献 33
1 绪论