摘 要
基于此,本文设计并实现了一款基于iOS移动平台的社区服务系统,该APP以软件工程思想为核心,采取MVC框架(模型 model-视图 view-控制器 controller),结合jsp网页用于动态维护数据库数据,同时利用MySQL数据库存储,管理该APP数据信息。客户端是基于iOS框架进行开发的,foundation,uikit提供的所有应用程序基本系统服务,创建基于触摸用户界面的类实现了iOS社区服务系统的功能实现和数据展示,利用Myeclipse开发类似服务器功能,通过浏览器进行维护数据库数据。从系统的功能需求分析,到功能设计,代码实现,直至测试,完全遵循软件开发工程中各个阶段要求。
Based on the Apple ios Community Service System
"Apple community service system based on IOS" is to Apple mobile terminal such as iPhone, iPad etc. to provide community services for the community. The choice of basic personnel with the development and progress of IOS system continuously, the mobile device market share has occupied the global intelligent mobile phone operating system market share of 26% in the fourth quarter of 10 years in addition, the intelligent mobile phone function is powerful and its convenience, touch, people's network activity center gradually shifted from the PC to the mobile terminal. The mobile phone side of the APP such as bamboo shoots after a spring rain in the apple APPStore like this, we will find a variety of stressApps: Games, education, and food cover every aspect of our lives. In the second half of 2011, Apple Corp said apps released on the IOS platform had reached more than 500 thousand.
Based on this, this paper designs and implements a community service system based on iOS mobile platform, the APP of the software engineering thought as the core, adopting MVC framework (model model- view view- controller controller), combined with the JSP Web page for dynamic maintenance of the data in the database, using MySQL database, the APP data management is based on client information. IOS development framework, foundation service system, basically all applications provided by UIKit, to create a touch user interface is realized based on iOS serviceThe service function of the system implementation and data display, using Myeclipse to develop similar server function, maintain database data through the browser. From the analysis of the functional requirements of the system, the function design, code implementation, testing, fully comply with all stages of software development projects.
This system finally completed the design of community service APP, realized the community personnel registration and login, community members sharing and communication community forum, community infrastructure repair, community complaints function, surrounding businesses information and so on.
Key words:iOS;community service; APP; system design
目 录
1 前言 - 1 -
1.1 课题研究的背景 - 1 -
1.2 课题研究的目的和意义 - 1 -
1.3 国内外同类研究概况 - 2 -
1.4 研究内容 - 2 -
2 相关技术介绍 - 4 -
2.1 IOS系统简介 - 4 -
2.2 IOS集成开发环境及编程语言简介 - 5 -
2.2.1 X-code - 5 -
2.2.2 IOS开发语言:objective-c与swift - 6 -
2.3 MySQL数据库简介 - 7 -
2.3.1 人员信息实体表 - 7 -
2.3.2 周边信息实体表 - 8 -
2.3.3 报修,公告管理信息实体表 - 8 -
3 相关指导思想 - 10 -
3.1 课题设计思想介绍 - 10 -
3.2 软件工程思想 - 10 -
3.3 复用,优化思想 - 11 -
3.4 模块化思想 - 11 -
4 系统功能介绍与实现 - 13 -
4.1 项目背景 - 13 -
4.2 人员注册,登录的实现与界面 - 13 -
4.3 周边信息的介绍与界面 - 15 -
4.4 报修功能的描述与界面 - 15 -
4.5 投诉功能的简介与界面 - 16 -
4.6 论坛功能的说明与界面 - 16 -
4.7 后台数据管理系统 - 17 -
结 论 - 19 -
致 谢 - 20 -
参考文献 - 21 -
附录A - 22 -
1 前言
1.1 课题研究的背景
时光匆匆,世界的发展日新月异,其中网络时代的快速发展给人们带来了不可想象的变化,从2G,3G,到4G,甚至是5G,从传统的电话到现在的智能手机,无一不说明移动时代的独特魅力和不可阻挡之势地“君临”。我们的衣食住行好像再被各种移动端APP支配,出门仅仅一个手机就可以解决一个人的日常生活所需,我们自己就好像被提线的木偶重复着“扫码”,“转账”,“登录”,“注册”这一系列的动作。遍及各个角落的二维码和手机商城里各种APP使我们的生活与前辈们相比有了翻天覆地的变化,其便捷性,可触性,趣味性......吸引着无数人。而随着iOS移动操作系统的不断更新换代,其强大的可扩展性,安全性逐渐占据了移动端大部分市场,移动端包括:iPhone,iPad,iPod touch 等等都搭载苹果自己的iOS系统,其销量在中国就已经达到一个骇人听闻的数字,深受全球人民的喜爱,中国人民在安卓系统和iOS系统的抉择中往往也更加青睐后者,App Store中数以千计的APP也令人着迷。其开发语言objective-c及进阶版Swift也是程序员们钟爱的面向对象开发语言。移动时代如此迅猛的发展,人们迫切需要便捷,安全的网络时代,并且ios操作系统的快普速及。给基于苹果开发人员带来了新的机遇。