摘 要
The design and implementation of College Students' comprehensive quality platform
With the higher education reform unceasingly thorough, the modern university students is increasing, post-90s college students ideological concept, mode of thinking, value orientation and behavior are profound changes have taken place in, students work in Colleges and universities is also facing changes. The information management in Colleges and universities is becoming more and more complex. The previous management model can not adapt to the huge amount of data information. Based on this, according to the information management system development becomes necessary, according to the characteristics of the students, the system provides a comprehensive record of college students in the school's growth experience of online system, through the transformation of student workers work for social culture all-round development of qualified personnel to make contribution. This system can make all the management of school information staff from the heavy work out, improve work efficiency.
This platform uses the PHP programming language and the CI design frame, by the MySQL as the backstage database carries on the management.
The system uses three user levels, the three users are administrators, counselors and teachers. Users can modify the password, upload avatar. Among them, the teacher can view all classes and student information. Counselors can view and modify the class information, student information, you can also add and modify part of the weight of information. Administrators can manage all the information, you can also modify the rights of other users.
Key words: PHP; CI; MySQL; Bootstrap
目 录
第一章 网站开发技术简介 1
1.1. 系统应用服务器搭建 1
1.2. 系统架构 5
第二章 网站需求分析 6
2.1. 概要及需求分析 6
2.2. 性能需求 7
第三章 网站数据库设计 8
3.1. 数据库表与表之间的关联关系 8
3.2. 数据库逻辑结构设计 9
第四章 网站总体设计 14
4.1. 网站设计原则 14
4.2. 网站功能 14
第五章 详细设计及测试 16
5.1. 系统具体实现优化 16
5.2. 用户登录界面 20
5.3. 人员管理功能 23
5.3.1 班级管理 23
5.3.2 学生管理 27
5.4. 权重管理 31
5.5. 用户管理 32
5.6. 个人信息管理 33
致 谢 36
参考文献 37
1. PHP技术
PHP是一种多用途脚本语言,它的源代码是公开的,被广泛应用于网络应用程序的编写,能够嵌入到 HTML中,在web开发当中应用十分广泛。PHP语言的风格类型和C语言有很多相似的地方,在网络应用编程上应用十分广泛。
- PHP源代码是开放的。因为PHP的源代码是开放的,所以网站能够改写自己的PHP的解释程序,创造适合自己的环境。而且PHP的运行环境也是不收费的。用户可以在任何时候从站点免费下载最新版本。
- PHP的跨平台性强。因为PHP的源代码是公开的,能够在任何操作系统平台上十分稳定地运行,这使得PHP成为了使用最多的服务器语言之一。
- 快捷性。PHP语言十分容易使用,也十分易于学习。PHP的语法的风格特点有些类似于C语言, C语言有复杂的地址操作,而PHP没有,而且PHP语言还具备面向对象的概念,再加上它自身的语法规则比较简单,使得它易于编辑和操作,具备很强的实用性
- 运行高效性。PHP耗费的系统资源很少,不需要复杂的运行环境,所以PHP可以高效率的运行。
- 数据库集成。PHP通过编译的不同的函数能够和很多主流的数据库建立起连接。
2. CI设计框架