摘 要
Research on image denosing method based on image local characteristics
The acquisition, recording and transmission of digital images through sensors or communication channels are often interfered by different types of noises, which may change the image. Impulse noise is one most common and important kind of noise. Impulse noise removal in image processing is an important pre-processing so that many researchers work on the restoration of images corrupted by impulse noise. Being the most popular nonlinear filter, the median filter is often used to remove impulse noise because of its good denoising power. In that case, many image-denoising filters are proposed based on the median filter, such as the weighted median filter, soft switching filter, adaptive median filter, etc.
In this paper, a new image-denoising filter that is based on several advanced median filter is proposed. There is a two-phase scheme in this new algorithm. In the first phase, an impulse noise detection is used to identify pixels which are likely to be noise candidates. The noise detection has compared the pixels with its vicinity for removal of impulses, so that we can keep most of the signal content of the uncorrupted pixels, and time used for filtering can be reduced by a wide margin. In the second phase, the noise candidates will be filtered by the new filter. Based on the median filter, the proposed filter is superior to some other filters mentioned in this paper not only for smooth pictures but also images that are complicated and have many sharp edges. Being incorporated with variable windows size, our method is also very useful for images with high noise level.
Key Words: image denoising, salt-and-pepper noise, mean filter,adaptive median filter
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1研究目的及内容 1
1.2国内外研究状况 2
1.3本文各章节的安排 3
2 数字图像的基本概念 5
2.1图像的数字化 5
2.1噪声类型及噪声特性 8
2.2图像质量的评价 10
3 图像去噪的基本研究方法 12
3.1中值滤波 12
3.2均值滤波 13
3.3维纳滤波 15
4 K个近邻的均值滤波算法 18
4.1 K个近邻的均值滤波算法原理 18
4.2K个近邻的均值算法实现 20
4.3几种图像去噪算法的实验结果比较 23
4.4本文算法在不同邻域下的实验结果对比 25
结 论 29
致 谢 30
参考文献 31
1 绪论
现实中存在的事物在计算机中是用数字图像(Digital Image)来表示的,这种表示是生动的,相似的。人类在日常生活中最主要的信息载体就在数字图像。简而言之,数字图像其实就是对现实生活中的客观事物的一种表示,只是物体的大量信息被包含其中,现已成为人们获取外界原始信息的主要途径。据研究表明,人类从外界获取的信息主要来自于嗅觉、视觉、听觉,其中来自于视觉的信息约占总和的3/4,说明了图像对于人类信息传递的重要作用。这同时还表明了,图像处理的研究对信息科学邻域的发展是十分重要的。