摘 要
该网站的前台开发语言主要是C#,进行编译的平台是Visual Stdio 2005,后端数据库使用SQL Server 2000数据库管理系统。
关键字:实践教学资源网;C#;Visual Studio 2005;SQL Server 2000;资源展示平台
Strengthening experimental teaching demonstration centers is the important measures to implement the inner construction of high education. It is also the effective way to accelerate the construction of experiments and laboratory teaching, to improve the students' practice and innovation ability, to improve school standards and quality of school education.
Provincial and national experimental teaching demonstration center is an important manifestation of construction of laboratory, the teaching level and the school level.
The form of Practice Teaching Resources IS Web Portal, it includes five platforms. The function of each platform is listed as follows:
1) The platform to display the resources
Its main function is to display the school laboratory, the excellent recourses information of training center. Users can use it to download resources, to have a browse and so on.
2) The platform for school to declaring
It will add the declare information of the school which want to declare it's information to the table of declaring, and it will check the filling. The school can manage the backstage independent according to their limits of authorities.
3) The specialist reviewed platform
It is used to review the experimental center which is already declared, to assign the experts' account by the administrator .The expert review all the schools' centers according to the criteria of the provincial centers.
4) The platform for statistical data
It is used to collect the categories of the laboratories which were declared and form the detailed table, the summary table. It will give effective support to the work of peers'.
5) The platform for backstage management
It is used to manage the information of front stage, it is used to add the information, review the information, to allocate the users' accounts
My graduation design is the platform to display the resources. We use the C# to develop the site, the platform of compiler is Visual Studio 2005,and the database is SQL Server 2000.
Keywords: Practice Teaching Resources Site, C#, Visual Studio 2005, SQL Server 2000, Platform to Display Resources R
目 录
前言 1
第一章 绪论 2
1.1课题背景 2
1.2资源展示平台的意义 3
1.3本论文相关结构介绍 4
第二章 相关技术介绍 5
2.1 SQL Sever 2000数据库 5
2.2 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 5
2.3 ASP.NET 6
第三章 可行性分析与需求分析 7
3.1可行性分析 7
3.1.1市场需求和社会因素 7
3.1.2技术可行性 7
3.1.3法律可行性 8
3.2需求分析 8
3.2.1功能需求分析 9
3.2.2性能需求分析 9
3.2.3展示平台的主页面和次级页面的数量 9
第四章 系统设计 10
4.1具体内容划分以及功能设计 10
4.1.1展示平台的具体划分 10
4.1.2展示平台的功能 10
4.2数据库的设计 11
4.2.1数据库设计原则 11
4.2.2.数据库的设计 12
第五章 系统实现 23
5.1展示主界面设计 23
5.1.1展示平台的入口界面 23
5.1.2展示平台的主页面以及各个部分解释 23
5.2各个信息展示的界面 29
5.2.1 中心环境界面(实验室信息) 29
5.2.2中心设备界面(设备信息) 30
5.2.3中心教学(实验教材) 31
5.2.4特色项目 31
5.2.5中心队伍(人员信息) 32
5.3详细信息的功能代码以及各种类型资源的下载 33
第六章 展示平台的测试 34
6.1网站测试环境 34
6.2功能测试结果 35
6.2.1观看视频的测试 35
6.2.2下载文档的测试 35
6.2.3查看详细信息的测试 36
总结 38
致谢 39
参考文献 40
附录(部分关键代码) 41
前 言