摘 要
人脸识别算法有很多种:基于人脸特征点的识别算法、基于整幅人脸图像的识别算法、基于模板的识别算法、利用神经网络进行识别的算法、基于光照估计模型理论、优化的形变统计校正理论、强化迭代理论和独创的实时特征识别理论等。已有研究结果表明,K近邻分类器具有分类性能稳定,识别精度较高等特点,K近邻分类器是一个理论上比较成熟的方法是一种最简单的分类器,样本间的相似性采用距离来度量(本文采用欧氏距离,Euclidian Distance)。作为一种非参数的分类算法,K-近邻(K-Nearest-Neighbor)算法是非常有效和容易实现的。KNN算法中,所选择的对比样本都是已经正确分类的对象。该方法在依据最邻近的一个或者几个样本的类别来决定待分类样本所属的类别。它已经广泛应用于分类、回归和模式识别等。因而本文采用k近邻分类器尝试人脸识别问题。
关键字: k近邻;分类器;人脸识别
Face recognition is one of the hot topics in the research fields of pattern recognition,which distinguishes the organism according to the features of itself (usually especially refers to human). Face recognition technique is the technical operation on the exiting face image based on human’s facial features and uses techniques such as computer image processing, pattern recognition technologies and so on to extract facial features. The image of testdataset is compared with those in the benchmark face database, and according to the result of analysis, it comes to a similar value which can identify whether it is the identical person. Of course, there exist some error rates.
Face recognition algorithms cover different ways such as recognition algorithms based on facial feature points, global fields of facial image, template match, on artificial neural networks, illumination estimation model theories, optimized deformation statistical correction theory, strengthened iteration theory, original real-time feature recognition theory, etc. Among those algorithms or their comparisons, the present research results report that the K-Nearest-Neighbor (KNN) classifier is a more stable classify function and has higher precision recognition in the most classfication tasks. Furthermore, KNN is a simplest classifier based on solid theoretical foundation, andthesimilarity of sample pairs is measured by distance (in this paper we adopts Euclidian distance metric). As a non-parametric supervised learning algorithm, KNN is an effective and easy-realized classifier. To KNN, which classify the undetermined samples to the class that its one or more nearest neighbours belongs to . Nowadays, KNN has been widely used in classification, regression and pattern recognition problems and so on. Therefore, in this paper, we adopts KNN to validate its performance on the given facial recognition task.
This paper researchs facial recognition problem with KNN based on international benchmark ORL face database. The detail procedures are list as follows: 1) separate the face images of each person into two disjointed subsets termed as training set and test set; 2) take each test face image from test set and calculate their Euclidean distances between the training samples; 3) classify the test image to the corresponding class according to those sorted distances and then record recognition results. The experiments on ORL dataset validates the effectiveness of KNN.
Keywords: k-nearest-neighbor, classification, face recognition
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究的目的及意义 1
1.3论文的组织形式 2
第二章 人脸识别 4
2.1人脸识别介绍 4
2.1.1人脸识别定义 4
2.1.2人脸识别发展历史 4
2.2常用的方法 5
2.3部分常用数据库介绍 6
第三章 Matlab功能简介 9
3.1Matlab的特点及运行环境 9
3.2常用函数介绍 10
3.3矩阵运算知识介绍 11
第四章 k近邻分类器 13
4.1分类器的概念 13
4.2k近邻思想 13
4.3k近邻分类器 14
第五章 本文方法 15
5.1算法思想的建立 15
5.2实现中遇到的困难 16
5.3实现过程 17
第六章 实验结果及分析 19
6.1实验结果截图及分析 19
6.1.1人数确定,k不定情况 19
6.1.2 k确定,人数不定情况 20
6.2不足和改进 21
致 谢 22
参考文献 23
第一章 绪 论