摘 要
基于以上特点,本文主要根据计算机图形学教学内容,确定可视化教学方针及目标,进行计算机图形学算法演示的研究与实践。利用可视化编程工具VC 对基本图形的生成,封闭图形的填充问题,几何变换等进行算法演示设计与实践,使得原本抽象的算法能够直观地呈现出来,利于理解与实际应用。
【关键词】 计算机图形学;算法演示;可视化教学
Computer graphics, the graphics are built on the traditional theory, applied mathematics and computer science based on an edge of the discipline, is an abstract theory, technology and application of a combination of technical and applied courses. The discipline combines computer science, mathematics, physics and other related disciplines of knowledge, research is very extensive, such as the graphics hardware, graphics standards, graphics interactive techniques, raster graphics generation algorithm, computer animation, with a rich academic and theoretical strong, practical features.
Graphics in learning and teaching process difficult to understand the complex and difficult method of teaching is mainly because they can not see or imagine the actual implementation of them, must think about the static data structure of program code to understand the dynamic changes, in order to understand the definition of key concepts, the details of algorithms can easily be ignored, the study can not fully grasp and application.
Based on the above, this paper mainly based on computer graphics course content, determine the principles and objectives of teaching visualization, algorithms for computer graphics research and practice presentation. Using visual programming tool VC on the generation of primitives, polygon filling, geometric transformation design and practice a presentation, making the abstract algorithm originally presented visually, which will help understanding and practical application.
[Keyword] Computer Graphics; Algorithm Demo; Visual teaching
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 计算机图形学的研究内容 1
1.2 计算机图形学的发展与应用 2
1.3 本文的主要工作 4
1.4 本文的组织结构 4
第二章 计算机图形学的基本算法简介 6
2.1 基本图形的生成原理 6
2.2 封闭图形的区域填充 9
2.3 二维几何基本变换 11
2.4 曲线的基本概述 13
2.5 三维几何造型介绍 15
第三章 图形学演示系统的总体设计 17
3.1 图形学演示系统的研究内容及目标 17
3.2 图形学演示系统的功能分析 17
3.3 图形学演示系统的结构分析 18
3.4 图形学演示系统的框架设计 19
3.5 Visual C 可视化软件开发工具简介 21
第四章 图形学演示系统的具体实现 23
4.1 基本图形的绘制 23
4.2 封闭区域的填充 26
4.3 基本几何变换的演示 27
4.4 三维图形的绘制演示 28
第五章 总结与展望 31
5.1 本文实现的工作 31
5.2 系统的改性 31
总 结 33
参考文献 34
附 录 35
第一章 绪 论
1.1 计算机图形学的研究内容