摘 要
Matlab是当今世界上使用最为广泛的数学软件,它具有相当强大的数值计算、 数据处理、系统分析、图形显示,甚至符号运算功能,是一个完整的数学平台,大大提高了工程分析计算的效率。
关键词: 区域匹配; Zernike矩; 视差梯度; 图像匹配; 小波变换; 区域分割;
In the three-dimensional image of the region matching, obscure, regional deformation and light conditions will significantly affect the matching algorithm,the traditional order of constraint, uniqueness constraint, epipolar constraint and the neighborhood constraint and can not resolve these issues raised in recent years been able to resolve the relative positions of most of them bound,but the cover for the region remained ineffective. And when the number of candidate regions on the best match choice, usually relying on a single parameter of regional differentiation, but by the time the change of viewpoint was not ideal. In this paper, wavelet and fractal dimension of three-dimensional image region matching method, which discards the existing algorithm, the characteristics of a single parameter instability. Experimental results show that, for the regional semi-obscure, deformation and nuances, etc., this algorithm are better equipped to identify properties to be an effective regional matching.
In the main text using the wavelet transform, fractal dimension of two mathematical tools, and conducted experiments based on MATLAB7.0.
Wavelet analysis is currently applied mathematics and engineering disciplines in a rapidly developing new areas, after nearly 10 years of exploration and research, important mathematical formalization system has been established, more solid theoretical basis. Compared with the Fourier transform, wavelet transform is a space (time) and frequency of the local transformation, which can effectively extract information from the signal.
Fractal description of the fractal dimension is the most important parameter, called fractal dimension. Fractal dimension reflects the complexity of the validity of physical possession of space, which is a measure of complex irregular shapes.
Matlab is the world's most widely used mathematical software, it has a very powerful numerical calculation, data processing, systems analysis, graphics, even symbolic operation, is a complete mathematical platform has greatly enhanced the efficiency of the engineering analysis and calculation.
Key Words: Region matching; Zernike moments; Disparity gradient; Image matching; Wavelet transform; Region segmentation;
目 录
摘 要 - 1 -
Abstract - 2 -
目 录 - 4 -
1 绪论 - 5 -
1.1 课题的背景和意义 - 5 -
1.1.1 国内外同类研究概况 - 5 -
1.1.2 研究的目的及意义 - 9 -
1.2 研究内容 - 10 -
1.3 特色与创新 - 10 -
1.4 研究计划 - 11 -
2 立体图像的区域匹配方法 - 11 -
2.1 引言 - 11 -
2.2 现有的区域匹配方法 - 12 -
2.2.1 相对位置约束 - 12 -
2.2.2 费用函数评判 - 13 -
3 小波与分形维数 - 15 -
3.1 小波介绍 - 15 -
3.1.1 小波概念 - 15 -
3.1.2 小波分析 - 16 -
3.1.3小波定义 - 23 -
3.2 分形维数 - 24 -
4 基于小波变换及分形特征的区域匹配方法 - 26 -
4.1 分形布朗模型及小波变换 - 26 -
4.2 最小二乘线性回归方法 - 28 -
4.2.1 最小二乘法原理 - 28 -
4.2.2 最小二乘线性回归 - 29 -
4.3实验分析 - 30 -
工作结论与展望 - 32 -
致 谢 - 33 -
参考文献 - 34 -
1 绪论
1.1 课题的背景和意义
1.1.1 国内外同类研究概况
根据MATLAB 的图像处理和数值计算功能的特点,编写MATLAB 程序,并验算
Sierpinski 垫圈图形分形维数。通过对锦屏二级水电站深埋长大引水隧洞围岩破坏微观图像(SEM 图像)[1]进行分形分析,计算出图像的分形维数,推出岩石损伤破坏分形变化规律。
基于分形几何学,研究了表面粗糙度的分形特征。采用Weierstrass2Mandelbrot 函数对多尺度自仿射的表面粗糙度进行了描述;建立了微通道内层流流动的三维模型并对表面粗糙度的影响进行了数值模拟,分析了雷诺数、相对粗糙度和分形维数对流动阻力特性的影响[2]. 研究结果表明,与常规尺度通道不同,粗糙微通道的Poiseuille 数不再是常数,而是随雷诺数近似线性增加;相对粗糙度越大,流动产生的回流和分离所导致的流动压降越明显. 在相同的相对粗糙度下,粗糙表面的分形维数越大,表面轮廓变化就越频繁,这也将导致流动阻力的明显增加。
以山西省霍州矿务局辛置煤矿2204采掘工作面为原型[3],利用相似材料模拟实验模拟采空区上覆岩体裂隙的形成过程和分布状态,运用分形几何理论研究采空区冒落带、裂隙带和弯沉带岩体裂隙的分形规律。实验结果表明:上覆岩体裂隙分形维数随工作面推进经历了由小→大→小并趋于稳定的变化过程,开采结束且岩层基本稳定之后,其分形维数为采动前分维值的0.5% ~5% , 且模型采空区边缘地带“三带”的分形维数值较采空区中心的分形维数值大。