摘 要
Today, with the continuous innovation of science and technology in the 21st century, computer technology grows and changes when it breaks out. People's shopping is no longer as cumbersome as before. People's shopping is also transiting towards networking and diversification. A new generation of network version operation software (online shopping mall) compatible with various data information emerges as the times require.
People also pay more and more attention to spiritual consumption, which accounts for a higher proportion of daily consumption. But at present, the online pet mall on the market is very perfect, and then I designed this online giant sales management system, so that consumers can complete the purchase more convenient, fast, relaxed and happy, which is very in line with the rhythm of people's life in the present era; in addition, it can more accurately and efficiently manipulate the cost generated in the operation of market sales. For the traditional sales channels, it is a milestone change, opening up a new sales model.
This online pet sales management system is a full-featured, easy-to-use online electronic mall, the front-end picture of the electronic mall is simple and generous, interactive, user-friendly, to meet most of the basic functions of the current electronic mall, such as user registration, membership registration, user information changes, pet fuzzy search, membership points exchange, pet classification and selection. The back-end management system also meets most of the basic functions of e-commerce back-end management system on the market at this stage, such as pet inventory management, user information management, administrator registration, membership information management, order management and other functions. In a word, it can satisfy the needs of users very well.
In this graduation thesis, I mainly introduce the research purpose and significance of online giant sales management system, the research status at home and abroad, the analysis and design of back-end management system, and the analysis and operation of front-end platform.
In the online pet sales system I designed and developed, I used the current mainstream JSP technology to complete the design and implementation of software on the integration framework of SSM (Spring, Spring MVC, MyBatis). The database used MySQL technology.
Key words: online giant mall, ssm, database, back-end management system
目 录
1 绪论 1
2 网站开发使用的工具与技术 2
2.1 系统开发的工具 2
2.1 .1 My 2
2.1.2 SQL 2
2.1.3 Tomcat 2
2.1.4 JDK 2
2.2系统开发的技术 3
2.2.1 Java 3
2.2.2 Struts 3
2.2.3 Hibernate 3
2.2.4 JSP 3
3 需求分析 4
3.1 任务概述 4
3.1.1 目标 4
3.1.2用户的特点 4
3.2对功能的规定和详细说明 4
4 概要设计 5
4.1 编写目的 5
4.2 系统分析 5
4.3 数据库设计 5
4.4 运行设计 5
4.4.1 运行模块的组合 6
4.4.2 运行控制 6
4.4.3 运行时间 6
4.5 出错处理设计 6
4.5.1 出错输出信息 6
4.5.2 出错处理对策 6
5 详细设计 7
5.1编写目的 7
5.2 模块图 7
5.3 系统截图 9
6 系统测试 13
6.1定义 13
6.2 简述 13
6.3 测试结果评价 14
6.4 评价及总结 14
7 软件使用说明书 15
7.1 系统功能介绍 15
7.2 软件详细介绍 15
结束语 17
致 谢 18
参考文献 19
1 绪论