摘 要
选择MySQL MyEclipse tomcat来开发网站。
Since the beginning of reform and opening up in 1987, China's economy has developed rapidly, and the flow of population has accelerated significantly,To some extent, stimulating the growth of the national GDP. Whether it is from the scope and deepness of open,Therefore, from this point of view, the tourism industry has become a pillar of local economic development, improve people's living standards.The economic globalization, people's income level compared with 80s and 90s, has been several times or even explosive growth.
If the web, developed the corresponding tourism website, then browse through these sites, users can stay at home, you know the relevant tourist information, so they can not find the relevant tourist attractions and tourist routes.
The main functions of this website include the following:
Tourist attractions: this time some of the more famous attractions, and these attractions planning good travel routes, and then by the administrator of the information release;
User registration landing function: click on the home page registration function, fill in the corresponding personal information, in confirmation of no empty value, will automatically login to become a member;
Message board function: users can successfully publish messages; personal information function: users can query, including personal attractions tickets.
Select MySQL MyEclipse tomcat to develop my web site.
Keywords: JSP,Database,Tomcat
目 录
摘 要 1
第一章 绪论 5
1.1课题背景与意义 5
1.2开发工具及技术 7
1.2.1开发工具 7
1.2.2 JSP技术 7
1.2.3 JavaScript 8
1.3软硬件需求 8
第二章 网站分析 9
2.1可行性分析 9
2.1.1技术可行性 9
2.1.2经济可行性 9
2.1.3操作可行性 9
2.1.4法律可行性 9
2.2功能模块分析 9
2.3设计的基本思想 13
2.4性能需求 13
2.4.1后台安全性 14
2.4.2数据的完整性 14
2.5界面需求 14
第三章 数据库设计 14
3.1数据库的分析与设计 15
3.1.1数据库的概念结构设计 15
3.1.2数据库的逻辑结构设计 18
3.1.3数据库的连接原理 20
第四章 网站功能实现 21
4.1用户注册功能 22
4.2登录页面设计 22
4.3管理员主页面 24
4.4修改登录密码 24
4.5会员信息管理 24
4.6景点信息管理 25
4.6.1景点信息录入 25
4.6.2景点信息管理 25
4.7旅游线路管理 26
4.7.1旅游线路录入 26
4.7.2旅游线路管理 26
4.8景点类别管理 27
4.8.1景点类别添加 27
4.8.2景点类别管理 27
4.9新闻资讯管理 28
4.9.1新闻资讯添加 28
4.9.2新闻资讯管理 28
4.10留言信息管理 28
4.11修改个人信息 29
4.12在线订票功能 29
4.13网站首页设计 30
第五章 系统测试 30
5.1系统测试目的与意义 31
5.2测试过程 31
5.2.1主页面的登录模块测试 31
5.3其他错误 32
结 论 32
参考文献 33
致 谢 34
第一章 绪论