摘 要
Image sampling based on Android system for character recognition system
This article is mainly based on a character recognition system of Android system to build the content of the image acquisition module. The main study of this article, research the methods about software development, Android system of camera system, calling on Android system to save files in the system and to read files from system. This research method is mainly used in the actual operation of Android system, using provided the functional interface by Android API and Android's own image processing methods and such as OpenCV image processing library for research needed to complete the content of the actual test research and development work. This research has realized the image collection, the image storage as well as the partial image processing operation in the Android system. The main intention of this subject is to realize the image acquisition function of the automatic recognition system of heavy plate, collect the unique coding of wide plate, and track management in the process of production. The implementation of these functions on Android system greatly reduces production costs, improves the production efficiency of the entire automatic identification system, and also provides greater convenience for identification work. At the same time, it also provides a certain basis for the automatic recognition of the heavy plate system.
Key words:Android;Image Acquisition;Image Process;
目 录
1 引言 - 1 -
2 系统框架结构 - 3 -
2.1 系统功能结构 - 3 -
2.1.1 结构图 - 3 -
2.1.2 功能分类 - 4 -
2.2 系统实现结构 - 4 -
3 图像采集 - 5 -
3.1 使用相机采集图像 - 5 -
3.1.1 调用摄像机 - 5 -
3.1.2 照片预览 - 5 -
3.2 从系统相册中采集图像 - 6 -
3.2.1 照片选取 - 6 -
3.2.2 照片预览 - 6 -
3.2.3 传递图片注意 - 6 -
4 图像处理 - 7 -
4.1 编辑图片 - 7 -
4.1.1 灰化图片 - 7 -
4.1.2 缩放图片 - 8 -
4.1.3 旋转图片 - 9 -
4.1.4 扭转图片 - 10 -
4.1.5 图片饱和度 - 11 -
4.1.6 图片亮度 - 12 -
4.1.7 图片对比度 - 13 -
4.2 涂鸦图片 - 14 -
4.3 处理图片 - 16 -
4.3.1 灰化处理 - 16 -
4.3.2 Canny边缘检测 - 17 -
4.3.3 Sobel边缘检测 - 18 -
4.3.4 Hist直方图计算 - 19 -
4.3.6 图片像素化处理 - 20 -
4.3.7 高斯平滑处理 - 21 -
4.3.8 中值滤波处理 - 22 -
结 论 - 24 -
致 谢 - 25 -
参考文献 - 26 -
附录1 主要代码 - 27 -
1.1 调用摄像机 - 27 -
1.2 打开系统相册 - 27 -
1.3 图片灰化编辑 - 28 -
1.4 图片缩放编辑 - 28 -
1.5 图片旋转编辑 - 29 -
1.8 图片亮度编辑 - 29 -
1.9 图片对比度编辑 - 29 -
1.10 图片涂鸦处理自定义工具类方法 - 30 -
1.11 图像处理的初始化 - 31 -
1.12 图像灰化处理 - 31 -
1.13 图像Canny边缘检测 - 32 -
1.14 图像Hist直方图计算 - 32 -