摘 要
随着科学技术的不断提高,当代的通信技术的日益发展和智能设备的不断普及,移动互联网行业取得了飞速的发展。正是由于这些的快速发展,信息的发布越来越及时。而微信作为信息发布的载体,也在移动互联网中广受欢迎,它在人类社会的各个领域中发挥着越来越重要的作用。微信公众号已经成为一个新兴的信息发布平台, 通过这一平台,商家可以更加便捷地在微信上进行各类信息互动活动。不过,由于微信公众平台提供的基础功能过于简陋,大多数的商家只是简单地在微信平台上发布广告信息,没有很好地利用公众平台提供的高级功能进行信息发布。所以我们需要在充分了解信息发布和微信的基础上,设计一个基于微信的信息发布系统。
Information System Based On Wechat
With the continuous improvement of science and technology, the development of modern communication technology and the popularity of intelligent devices, mobile internet industry has made rapid development. Because of these rapid development, the publication of information is more and more timely. As the carrier of information release, wechat is also popular in mobile internet, and it plays a more and more important role in all fields of human society. The wechat public has become a new information publishing platform, and through this platform, businesses can make more convenient information interactive activities on wechat. However, because the infrastructure provided by the wechat public platform is too basic, most businesses simply post advertising on the wechat platform and do not make good use of the advanced features provided by the public platform for information release. So we need to design a messaging system based on wechat, based on the full understanding of information release and wechat.
According to the various functions of the current wechat public number, this paper designs the idea of building information release platform with the wechat public platform, and designs the corresponding technical solution. In the various modes of the wechat public platform, the PHP technology is adopted to achieve the system, and the basic needs of the merchants to interact on the platform.
Keywords: WeChat, Information interaction, Mobile Internet, PHP
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究课题和意义 1
1.3研究内容和论文结构 1
2 互联网环境下微信公众号的现状分析 3
2.1互联网环境下微信的特点 3
2.2当前国内外互联网环境下微信公众号的现状 3
2.3微信给互联网环境带来的影响 4
3 微信公众平台开发相关技术介绍 5
3.1 PHP 5
3.2 HTTP 5
3.3 XML 5
4 基于微信的信息发布平台功能模块设计 6
4.1基于微信的需求分析 6
4.1.1平台用户的功能需求 6
4.1.2平台商家的功能需求 6
5 基于微信的信息发布平台开发与实现 8
5.1基于微信公众平台开发概述 8
5.1.1微信公众平台开发模式的数据交互方式 8
5.1.2微信公众平台开发模式的接口 8
5.2微信公众平台消息接口简介 9
5.2.1消息推送 9
5.2.2消息回复 12
5.3基于微信的信息发布平台核心模块的实现 14
5.3.2自动回复需求的实现 15
5.3.4公众号管理功能 16
5.3.5微信用户中心 17
5.3.6关注欢迎语 17
5.3.7自定义回复 18
5.3.8自定义菜单 19
5.3.9融合第三方功能扩展 20
6 基于微信的信息发布平台功能测试 33
6.1测试环境 33
6.2具体测试 33
6.3测试结果 35
7 结论 36
7.1作品总结 36
7.2未来展望 36
致 谢 38
参考文献 39
1 绪论