摘 要
关键词:方便;大学校园物业管理;公众平台;JSP;Mysql;三大人群The Design and Achievement of Wechat Platform for Property Management in University
In this new century, the rise of internet and its relevant industries accelerates the development of computer technology. People are able to shift the works from the offline system to the online one, which makes work and life becomes more convenient. And an increasing number of industries need apply computer skill. Wechat, which is instant messaging software owned by Tencent, is one of those technologies, and it has near 549 million active users every month. Therefore, wechat has developed many functions, such as public platform.
The wechat platform for property management in university rises in response to this condition, and this platform is written by eclipse development tool, takes Mysql as backend database to manage, Tomcat as servicer, and developer model in wechat's public platform.
The users of this platform include three main groups: the owners (those who live in the campus), the administrators, and the servicemen. This platform has three main functions. The first function is the repair service for the owners. The owners can fill out the repair information in the repair page and see the latest information about property management, which facilitate them to receive the property information. The second function is management function for administrators by which the administrators can receive and examine the repair information, publish and delete news, send the connection for repair service to servicemen, add or delete administrators, and change password. In addition, the administrators are divided into the senior administrators and the administrators, and only the formers have the right to add or delete administrators. The last function is designed for the servicemen to accept and finish their assignments, and the results are fed back to the administrators.
Keywords: convenience; property management in university; public platform; JSP; Mysql; three main groups
目 录
第一章 平台开发技术简介 1
1.1 系统应用服务器搭建 1
1.2 平台逻辑架构 2
第二章 大学校园物业管理微信平台需求分析 4
2.1 概要及其需求分析 4
2.2 性能需求 4
2.3 可行性分析 5
第三章 平台总体设计 6
3.1 平台设计原则 6
3.2 平台总体结构 6
3.3 业主功能模块设计 6
3.4 管理员功能模块设计 7
3.5 维修人员功能模块设计 7
3.6 平台实现流程图 8
第四章 平台数据库设计 9
4.1 数据库E-R图 9
4.2 数据库表设计 9
第五章 详细设计及测试 12
5.1 平台具体操作流程 12
5.2 平台登录界面 12
5.3 业主用户功能 14
5.4 管理员用户功能 19
5.5 维修人员用户功能 26
结 论 28
致 谢 29
参考文献 30
1.1 系统应用服务器搭建
- JSP简介和选用JSP的理由
Java Server Pages,即JSP动态网页。JSP,它是在网页HTML中插入一些JSP标记和Java的一些程序段(lt;%java代码%gt;),从而组成了JSP文件。
1)跨平台性:JAVA的口号是“一次编译,到处运行”。用JSP(Java Server Pages)技术开发的Web应用同样和Java一样是可以跨平台运行的,代码可能只需要小幅度更改,便可在要跨的平台上直接运行。除此之外,JSP几乎能在全部平台的环境中进行程序开发,对系统进行部署和扩展。所以,该优点在一定的程度上确定了JSP在WEB应用领域占有更大的规模。 h