摘 要
在这样的时代背景下,各种网站、APP层出不穷,我们的新农村社区公共服务化平台应运而生。新农村社区公共服务化平台采用Intell IDEA15集成开发环境,结合JavaEE编程,采用MVC架构,由MySQL作为后台数据库,Apache Tomcat 7.0作为服务器,最终实现B/S结构的“新农村社区公共服务化平台”。
关键词:新农村社区公共服务化平台;JavaEE;MVC;MySQL;Apache Tomcat;B/SAbstract
The 21st century is the era of information. Computer and network have spread all over the world and gone deep into the basic necessaries of human, such as food, clothing, shelter and transportation, and they are playing a more and more important role in our life and work.
With the popularization and wide application of computer and network as well as the more and more mature development of computer science and technology, the labor force is liberated greatly and the social progress is promoted, as the work now can be done by computer instead of human. With the high-speed development of era, people gradually realized the importance of computer, which make you clear of all news, scene and cuisine all over the world, meanwhile which provide you a chance to devise strategy in the command tent. The development of computer and network has been closely related to human beings’, and people nowadays are inseparable from the network and computer.
Our public service platform for new rural community arises at the historic moment under such background, no matter of all kinds of all kinds of website and APP have been created in endlessly. The platform adapted Intellij IDEA15 integrated exploitation environment, combining with the JavaEE programming and MVC architecture. With MySQL as the background database and the Apache Tomcat 7.0 as a server, finally we established the public service platform for new rural community with the B/S structure.
The public service platform for New rural community will take the new resettlement residential area as the foundation, which is concentrated now after demolition and planning and development of the villagers resident with behindhand public information. You can see all kinds of public information, staff basic information, submit the repair by the operation platform system. And administrators have additional right, such as approved resident information, check the condition of public facility, deal with the operation right of the platform and public announcement, add, edit households and input database together with other service functions, etc.
Key words: public service platform for new rural community; JavaEE MVC MySQL, Apache Tomcat B/S
引 言
1 网站开发技术简介
1.1 系统应用服务器搭建
1.1.1 Java语言简介和选用理由
1.1.2 数据库选择
1.2 系统架构
2 新农村社区公共服务化平台需求分析
2.1 概要及其需求分析
2.2 性能需求
2.3 可行性分析
3 网站数据库设计
3.1 数据库表与表之间的关联关系
3.2 数据库逻辑结构设计
3.3 功能模块图
4 网站总体设计
4.1 网站设计原则
4.2 网站总体结构
4.3 社区用户模块设计
4.4 管理员功能模块设计
5 详细设计及测试
5.1 设置系统数据库连接
5.2 系统登录界面
5.3 社区用户功能
5.3.1 首页
5.3.2 社区地图
5.3.3 社区区域功能图
5.3.4 通知公告
5.3.5 物业职能
5.3.6 物业人员风采
5.3.7 报修
5.3.7 物业咨询
5.4 物业工作人员功能
5.4.1 物业管理
5.4.2 公告管理
5.4.3 人员管理
5.4.4 平台管理
5.5 系统测试
5.5.1 社区用户模块
5.5.2 物业管理系统模块
引 言
现在打开电脑全是各种网站,琳琅满目,应接不暇,那些看似炫酷无比的网站做起来其实并不难。当然,这是对专业人士来说,而对于非专业人士可能根本无法想象这些神奇之作是怎么一步步搭建出来的。一个网站,主要包括三个部分:1、网站域名:访问网站所用的网址,如baidu.com; 2、网站程序:就是代码,包括用户浏览网站所看到的页面即前端,和网站后台管理程序即后台。3、网站空间:可以是虚拟主机或者服务器,用于存储网站程序及相关资料,并提供程序运行环境。